Saturday, June 15, 2013

Hitler Loses an Election

The neocons have been telling us that Iran President Ahmadinejad was a neo-Adolf Hitler.  Well, if so, Hitler just lost an election.  It seems this Hitler can be voted out of office.  So how about the new President of Iran.  Is he the next Pol Pot, until he loses an election.

USA has effective election fraud, knowable inasmuch the vast majority want no wars and bailouts  But we get them anyway, no matter how we vote.  I wonder if Iran has election fraud?  If so, Hitler, I mean Amedinejad was not very good at it.

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Friday, June 14, 2013

Price Calculation, Pensions and Credit

Von Mises, Doyen of the Austrian School of Economics, identified the lynchpin of all socialist and communist states: price calculation.  In planned, command economies there is no possible way to ascertain the price of anything.  Therefore, the economy grinds down as money and credit is misallocated and malinvested.

My mind ran to the trade fairs in the 1970s in Canton China where we from around the world sat on one side of the table while the Chinese traders sat opposite.  To my left Danes and Brazilians, to my right Germans and Nigerians.  The Chinese would quote prices, each according to his nationality.

USA prices quoted were always highest.  How come, I asked.  "USA has the most money."  Aha.

The Communists had absolutely no idea what anything they made cost them, but being good Marxists they knew the going prices of their items in every market in the world.  Their price books reflected what they learned from objective, empirical observation.

Being a good free trader, realizing that, for whatever reason, China gave Hong Kong the very best prices, we would place our orders with Hong Kong compradors and even with their stiff commissions our net prices were running only 3/4ths of what the Chinese quoted us directly.

China has introduced relatively free trade.  But in USA we no longer know what things cost, so fraud is rampant.  In Japan, the make mag lev for about $220 million a mile.  In China, they do it for about $60 million a mile.  The difference is largely waste fraud and abuse in a too controlled market.  In USA we cannot even install 1880s technology for what Japan, with generous blandishments, does maglev.  If we want to know what something costs, we need only ask what the Chinese would charge to do it.

The trick to sorting this out is to pit the bondholders against the pensioners.  As our economies sink, repudiate the bonds that supplied the ability to hoodwink the productive class into paying $240 million a mile for 1880s technology.  "We cant pay the bonds, because of public employee pension obligations."  The bondholders wittingly scammed us during the boom, and the public employees facilitated the scam.  Let them fight it out over the dwindling reserves.

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Snowden Affair - Absolutely Hilarious!

There is nothing entertaining coming out of the entertainment industry, but who cares?  Here we have the Telegraph of London, which keeps a "historian of the USA" on paid staff ( wait, there is more...) who produces and article which posits the Guardian scoop is unravelling.

Now newspapers hate when another gets a scoop.  Not only do people buy more of the other paper and less of the scoopless, it is extremely risky to appear to be unable to provide news.  So far in history, the out-scooped newspapers just grinned and beared it.  Editors threaten to castrate their reporters for not earning their keep, people got slapped around, but never before did a newspaper try to poo poo a story.

Here are the salient points in the article on story "unravelling.":

1. Why did he go to China? Perhaps Snowden simply has the worst lawyers in history?
***Ha ha aha...  Snowden answers this brilliantly.  Perhaps the Telegraph has the worst reporters in history.***
2. Snowden’s backstory is not entirely accurate. Booz Allen says that his salary was 40 per cent lower than thought 
***Hahaha... Booz Allen would say that...  as people contemplate this, and realize a high school drop out can pul down $200K doing contract work with Booz Allen (what does Booz Allen get on top of that), there is going to be some serious review of Booz Allen.  How many high school drop-outs are pulling down $200,000 in taxpayer money to steal taxpayer telephone records?  What is great about doing top secret work is ripping off taxpayer is top secret.  I wonder how much Congressman Peter King gets from Booz Allen.***
3. The administration is pushing back on the definition of what Prism actually is – that it’s not a snooping programme but a data management tool. 
***O!, I see, not snooping, but management.  So that is what the administration is calling it, for this 15 minutes, until they change the story.***

It is hilarious to watch people self-destruct in a desperate attempt to keep their fraud going.  I wonder what the Telegraph is paid to keep a historian of USA on the payroll.

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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Barter, Money & Credit

We are at the point in the history of the USA that the Soviets found themselves circa 1990.  The state has taken on so much that it cannot manage any of it.  Too many management crises at once are spinning out of control and any one of them might bring down the regime.  I hope it goes as well for us as it did for the Soviets.

We call these regime-crises "scandals."  They come in two flavors, entertaining and existential.  The entertaining ones do not matter, for example, the Syria conflict, the loss of Afghanistan, the Benghazi thing, about which Hillary spoke for most Americans when she said "What difference does it make?" Then there is the "stealing our phone bills" scandal.  Now that one is funniest because it is not bloody.

The existential crises are three-fold: Romney/Obamacare, unfunded pension liability and the currency, as it relates to barter, money & credit.

Romney/Obamacare was designed to fail, as a step toward a single payer system put in place to fix the problem, something scheduled to be effected after Hillary wins in 2016.  This will cap her career with her lifelong goal to which she so nearly succeeded in 1994.  This is existential because it truly does pit the producers in the USA with the parasitical progressives.  If this actually falls apart, vast swathes of Americans, progressives, will be alienated from the regime.   The progressives understand the producers will still produce under Romney/Obamacare, so they will not go anywhere, alienation is not an option for producers.  But if the worm turns, and USA heads back to freedom, then all is lost for several generations.  The last best hope for progressives would be a military takeover.

Unfunded pension liability is the inability to pay out on pensions.  People depending on pensions bet that it is possible to be fairly indolent for 20-40 years and then unemployed for another 20-40, and that would work out.  If one credits pensions with unlikely prospects, the numbers are still dire.  Those who saw the 2008 crash coming see another one coming this summer/fall.  It is necessarily far worse, which will make things even more out of control.  The adjustments are underway right now: fixed income dependents getting hammered, high gas prices, high food prices, reduction in quality and service, high housing prices.  Paychecks and property are being scraped to make ends meet.  The last thing you want in the next 30 years is a paycheck, pension or property in USA.

Finally, there is a crisis of currency.  USA led the way in lending fiat credit at fractional reserve for usury to inflate a boom like none seen before in history.  This spread worldwide, and can be denominated in currency.  Money, properly defined is today gold and silver, and people on both sides of that debate overstate their cases.  Money is demanded at the end of the line, and we are in a long term process.  Forget about money for now.  Preppers expect barter to be a big thing.  But that ignores that in reality people would rather extend credit than make an onerous barter deal.  (I'd rather you owed me something else later than take your goat for my eggs now.)

Now ignore anyone who talks about the problem of banks not extending credit.  Fiat credit in all of history has been a case of fraud, lending credit with nothing to back it up.  It is "legal" today, but still clearly fraud.

When I say credit, I mean it is backed by an asset.  If I have a dozen eggs, and you have a goat, and I don't want a goat or parts thereof, I may very well say, "for these eggs, you own me 4 quarts of goats milk."  That is credit.  And note, it is credit without interest (usury.)

Trade local and worldwide once worked on this basis. With USA in the lead, such practices were first overwhelmed by the "cheap credit (of course it was cheap, it cost nothing to create)" of banks, legalized by the state which salivated at the taxing opportunity of seeing all credit monetized and centralized through banks.  So that is the history of the last 90 years.

When this system finishes coming down, and it is failing, asset backed credit, something banks and the state cannot provide, will necessarily re-emerge.  Get ready for that.

I would like to hear from readers in Eastern Europe and elsewhere, small business people, who are one way or another financing their businesses.  USA will soon need to know what you know:  how do you do it?  You can either reply below or just email me and I'll post any answers I get.

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The Sting

There was a delightful movie that reunited Robert Redford and Paul Newman called the Sting in the 1970s.  The Premise was a couple of con artists were going to use the oldest trick in the book to scam a gangster out of his money, and that was the delayed wire.  Information on a horse race across the country was going to be delayed so a last minute bet could be made that would take advantage of the victim's ignorance to make a killing.

The stock market reporters announced today the the University of Michigan and Thomsen Reuters have been running this scam on the stock market, except they claim not secretly.  It is up on their website.  (When did it get up there?)

It is a version of front running, and this is not news to the traders on the floor, but note the reporters swear they never knew.  Interesting that.  A half dozen financial reporters claiming they never knew.  Think about that for a minute.  Reporters claim they never knew about how markets work.

Stock ownership is at its lowest level in 40 years (but then how come the market is so high?  Bubble.)  How come?  Because people know.  What is next.  The Government will step in and handle the accounts, your pension, from now on.  Watch.

O, speaking of the sting, the NSA has a new theme song:

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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Small Order Tactic and Heroin Use Trending Up

The economic boom generated by the capitalist powers-that-be yields an ennui as people head toward the vacuous glitz credit booms spawn.  In the past people who have had near death experiences talk of "going toward the light."  The most recent credit boom generated all these light filled products, and so we now have people experiencing "near life experiences" as they melt away into the facebook account, or whatever, as they head toward the LCD light.  No wonder heroin use it up among the young in USA.

I see in Asia young people from all over the world trading.  Almost zero Americans.  In the 1970s, USA small businesses were legion.  I've asked around and yes, USA is a huge buyer, but it is huge companies represented by Asian agents.

The three credit booms, Wall Street in the 80s, in the 90s and housing in the 00s wiped out at least two generations of entrepreneurs.  USA is now overwhelmed with people whose first concern is entitlement.  Sure there are some young people who have it, but not the critical mass we once had.  As the Austrian School of economics points out, the damage is done during the boom.  The damage is felt during the bust.

I have another advantage in teaching around the world.  I hear from plenty of young Americans from overseas at the same time I am hearing from young Asians, Africans, South Americans, Eastern Europeans, etc.  The Americans that have moved to Asia seem to organize in some way or another around entitlement.  The other people around the world tend to organize around "what works?"

Maybe these people from around the world are much more like Americans were in the 1950 and 60s.  Back then so many more young Americans were self employed and their work was their lifestyle, where young Americans today count everything in money (which is funny, since they have none, only credit.  They actually think their bank balance is money.)

For my part I'll keep teaching what we knew back then.  For example, the small order FOB MOQ order strategy.  The HKTDC did a survey in 2011 and found 50% of companies who did "bulk purchasing" (FCL) also bought 100 - 1000 piece orders.  55% of suppliers accept orders below 1000 pieces.  The call this a trend.  Well, if you only discovered it in 2011, you can hardly call it a trend.  But it is a fact.  It is no trend since it has always been the case.  It is now being highlighted because there is a renaissance in small business everywhere else in the world, just not USA.

Why would there be, when 47% of American voters have an EBT card loaded each week and the another 47% make $200,000 a year spying on Americans on how they spend their EBT money.  (How come when white people get $200,000 welfare it is called "intel work" and black people get $18,000 it is called "welfare?"  What a whimsical country we have!)

There is a solution.  Give people the option of zero safety net, zero taxes up to the first one million in profits on a business start-up.  You sign away all safety net programs.  But you keep your money.  (Schools with which I teach commonly ask me to do this, so it is not unheard of.)

Money people would back new small businesses for the tax exemption.  Economic activity would increase.  Welfare rolls would decrease.  And we'd grow our way out of it.

But that won't happen.  People love their welfare checks, especially the $200,000 a year ones.

Starting a business is the most revolutionary act an american can make.

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2013 is 2008 on Steroids

With effective election fraud, the powers-that-be were able to double down on the Bush economic policies under Obama in spite of the majority objections.  They kicked the can down the road, and another crack-up is here.  Check out the latest few reports by Mish. In 2008 we were fat and tan on a luxury yacht with plenty of stores as we sailed into the bust.  In 2013 we are skinny, sun burned, shipwrecked with no reserves as we drift into this storm.

Instead of economic reform, we are treated to the revelations of theft of telephone records as an existential threat, unknown to America since the founding.  Treason!  Danger!  If you have not wet your pants, something is wrong with you.  Maybe, you are a Moslem.  This whole thing would be hilarious if the people in charge were smart, or even only decent.  They are far from either.  Election fraud does that to a country.  But when the security apparatus has something on everyone, well, end of story.  What goes around comes around.

No one can prepare for what is coming, except to have a viable business.  Get busy.

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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pithy Summary

Heard on the radio in passing:

What is good economics is bad in politics, and what is good in politics is bad in economics.

Just so.

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Small Minimum Order Export Strategy

The world is full of people who want big export sales naturally enough.  And there are the college graduates who are armed with the specialized awareness of "economies of scale" and try to build market off of 40 foot container loads. They meet the exporters trying to sell them. All very good, except for the astonishing effort involved in trying to research markets for 40' containers full of goods, which 99 times out of 100 result in no sale.  What a waste of time and effort. They both miss an extremely important process in building international trade markets.

USCensus research of export companies confirm what we in the trenches already know.  There is a search and learn process to marketing that involves many small shipments, which occasionally lead to ongoing, growing business.

The search and learn is a series of shipments as the buyer overseas tests out the exporter's products, dealing over the course of various shipments with all of the problems of importing in international trade.  There is the payment mechanism, there is the logistics, there is customs clearance, there is internal logistics and warehouse, there is selling and market feedback.

An importer may need several small shipments in order to work out all of the problems.  Of the 100 potential customers in a given country for an exporter, 20 may want to test a new item, and perhaps two can find a steady business.  The trick is not to have a website that gets you 1000 inquiries to manage, but to go straight to the potential buyers and work with them.

A webpage should be designed from the importer/buyers point of view ...  what do they want? They want small shipments to test out the processes.  Buyers are constantly looking for new, for what is next, and need to be constantly testing new things in their markets.  

I call this unique webpage the FOB MOQ offer page.  There is actually a lot of information on this one page, all of the information a buyer needs to place an order immediately.  It tells a buyer who would like to test your product in his market all of the information he needs to buy.  This is considerable

MOQ qty



HS & commodity description

EXW price and currency



govt documentation fees

transport to port

lift fee

freigth forwarders fees


FOB price

And then you provide the payment mechanism you require.  Serious buyers who wish to test your product in their market will have all of the information they need.  And if they have questions, you will have a navigation bar floating along as they read.  It has the means to contact the seller immediately.  Your website will too, so a serious buyer with a serious question can at any time send it in.  In this way you are learning from actual customers their concerns in real time.

Won’t all that information scare some people away?  Yes!  People who would have just wasted your time before, people who are not ready, willing and able to buy.

Yes, small shipments do not maximize economies of scale.  But the point of the test order for the buyer is the test, not the economies of scale. The buyer knows if the item tests well, he can have economies of scale later.  Right now the buyer wants to run risks on a $2000 order, not a $40,000 order.  He can afford a $2000 mistake, not a $40,000 mistake.  There are far more people willing to test at $2000 than at $40,000.  Email me for a white paper on ocean freight and test shipments.

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The Tragedy of the Snowden Affair & Business Startup

Anonymous Anonymous said...
$200K a year is a lot for no high school diploma or GED or college degree apparently, even for government work.

The federal government trough is deep and wide indeed.

I got a feeling he got to such a high level because of high talent.  The things he failed at were all things geared toward the lowest common denominator.  I suspect he has native talent that cannot be measured by those systems in which he "failed."  I doubt he would have made $200k outside of government contracting work, but I also expect he would have made far more self-employed.  And there is the real tragedy.  While he was wasting his life setting up storage systems for phone call monitoring for small minds who like to spy on others, the rest of us have been denied the good of his creativity.

There is no national security issue at stake here.  Everyone knows and no one cares.  The "bad guys" already know how to get around our intelligence, and the proof is they defeated us in Vietnam, in Iraq, and have done so in Afghanistan.  They'll do so in Syria.  We never saw the fall of the Berlin Wall coming.  And USA intelligence has no secrets from the Chinese.  All this NSA/CIA/FBI is street theatre, like a TSA line.

And for all of their spying on you and me, and the billions it takes out of our pockets, it cannot spot who was behind the Boston bombings, or 9-11 for that matter, or when their own people go rogue, or any other useful information.  They are just spending money to justify their paychecks.

Snowden said in an interview it would be bad if nothing came of his sacrifice.  Friend, MLKing took a bullet and nothing came of it, outside of a little re-arranging of the deck chairs.  You really think revealing the NSA spies on Americans, something anyone should know, is going to change anything?

If you really do not like the system, then resign.  And do the most revolutionary thing available to a thinking, caring person on planet earth today.  Start a business in USA.  Instead of spending the money on a luxury room in Hong Kong, develop a product or service that builds the economy by giving consumers some solution to a problem.  There is nothing that does more good and aggravates the bad guys (in our own government that you were working for) more than making American a better place.

So those who are thinking about whistleblowing or whatever - do what everyone else with a head on their shoulders does when they realize what they are doing is wrong: resign.  And then start a business. We need you here in business, not hiding out in some South American hacienda, like a German Officer.

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Monday, June 10, 2013

Ethanol In Gasoline

Another hugely subsidized crop is the corn and such used to make ethanol.  Here is another area where the science is being suppressed.  The EPA backs this boondoggle.  Thanks to Mish...  60% of the food price increase is attributed to corn ethanol.  Time to end it.

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Snowden In A Hong Kong Hotel

On Jun 9, 2013, at 5:21 PM, CM wrote:
Thought you'd appreciate this paragraph:

"On May 20, he boarded a flight to Hong Kong, where he has remained ever since. He chose the city because "they have a spirited commitment to free speech and the right of political dissent", and because he believed that it was one of the few places in the world that both could and would resist the dictates of the US government."

I was a little surprised to read that Snowden expects asylum in Hong Kong.  As regular readers know, I often praise Hong Kong for various reasons.  But one thing Hong Kong is not is an asylum for dissidents.  Almost no Chinese nationals can get into Hong Kong, so how this guy came to the conclusion the Hong Kong benevolence would extend to him, I am not sure. 

One thing that was always clear to me in Hong Kong, is clear to me when I am there, is I am a guest tolerated for the duration of the time it takes for me to do business.  HK is for the people of Hong Kong, not for NSA dissidents, or anyone else that might cause the people of Hong Kong inconvenience.  Hong Kong is a wonderful place if you are there to make money and behave yourself.

If the Chinese want him (and they will) he sure isn't safe in Hong Kong.  If the USA wants him, he might be safe there from a snatching, but not from a killing.  If the Chinese don't want him, they sure benefit by whacking him, making USA look vindictive (everyone will assume USA whacked him.)  He might be safe in Cuba or North Korea or Vietnam.   USA has never been able to get soldiers they left behind out of there, so Snowden should be safe in Vietnam.  (Several soldiers have gotten out after being abandoned by the military, but as far as USA military is concerned, there are none left behind.)

I doubt Iceland can protect him.  I think he might be a bit naive about his prospects.  But taking him at his word, his act was suicidal, and he'll take getting whacked over life in Dick Cheney's USA.  Most people in his situation simply resign.

You know, the Soviets (ooops) er Russians would take him, could use him, and might treat him well and be able to pretty much protect him, but then, ahem, the Russians are not exactly rights-respecters.  I dunno...  as one who refused to go to Vietnam for Uncle Sam way back when, I doubt I'd get in his pickle.  

My guess is he gets suicided, somewhere somehow. But a wet operation in Hong Kong, I don't think the hotel at which he is a guest will tolerate blood on the carpet or a "jumper" from the 21st floor.  I once made the mistake of handing cash across a table for a sample of a Wine Tasting Game in the lobby of the Hotel Marco Polo and hotel security was on us like white on rice.  They'll have none of that declasse' activity in Hong Kong, thank you.  In fact my guess is he is out of Hong Kong before this post hits my blog.

(Update: sure enough, he is on the move... willingly or unwillingly.)

Snowden's fate, one way or another, will be up to Beijing.  Never forget, Hong Kong is China, under the "one country, two systems" model, until 2047, when that ends.  I think Snowden seriously misread Hong Kong.  In fact, the hotel is no doubt patiently awaiting Beijing's orders.  In the meantime, every USA spook in Hong Kong has several Chinese shadows.  China will again learn much by how USA intel behaves while we learn nothing.  (We badly need a Hong Kong in USA so we can have that kind of freedom.)

But tell me when if ever anyone is USA intelligence gets anything right?  This is just another example of a $200,000 per year clerk who screwed up intelligence analysis.  We have millions of them working for the USGovt Intel and its civilian contractors.  It is another reason why we are becoming an impoverished country.  Time to bring all these people home and get back to business.

Time for truth commissions, instead of depending on whistleblowers.

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Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Spying Scandal!

This is another case of blame the black guy, an ancient tradition in the USA, where when something goes wrong, a person of some African heritage is accused of the problem.  At present the blame is being switched to Moslems, but that won't hold, blame the black guy will return.  But in any event, we have a Moslem president of some African heritage, so, well, perfect.  O! And a black guy for AG, too...

I have no sympathy for Pres. Obama since he had to know that his election was about setting himself up to take the blame for Bush policies, and to advance programs that would suit Pres. Hillary that she could enjoy but blame on the black guy.  Eight years of Stepin Fetchit, then unimaginable riches thereafter.  If you do not believe this, you have no idea who you are up against.  (And what, you would not take the deal?)

Blaming Pres. Obama for the ubiquitous spying is rather silly.  The United States Postal Service was originally formed by Ben Franklin, and became a cabinet level office in 1792... yes, Seventeen Ninety Two.    What is so important about delivering the mail that the government has to do it?  Well, since all communication back then was by mail, and all periodicals were delivered by mail, by making a government monopoly on mail the Federal Govt could spy on every American.  Folks, this stuff goes back to 1792!  And we are just getting around to realizing it?  And we blame the black guy for Ben Franklin's innovation?  We Americans are a whimsical bunch!

To this day periodicals get a massively subsidized rate.  How come?  To wipe out any competition in delivery, so all periodicals go through the USPS.  Since all distribution goes through the USPS, the USPS has inspectors that can read anything written.   To get these low rates, the publisher has to prove they have paid subscribers.  How do they prove that?  They provide the USPS with their subscribers list.  So the govt always knew who was reading Newsweek and Anarchy Today magazines. School catalogs get cheap rates, which allows the govt to track who is teaching what.

Of course, the USPS can and does stop anything the govt does not like from getting delivered.  This also has a chilling effect on what gets published.

Once America learned to create credit from nothing, the powers-that-be could start misallocating resources to actually producing content for Newsweek and Anarchy Today magazines.  And so now most content in most periodicals is no more than tweets from a govt office upon which a "reporter" slaps a by-line.

On the other hand, the rules, as usual, provide a system to be gamed.  The New Yorker gets the cheapest mailing rates by including "goings on in New York" the coming week for a magazine mailed all over USA at news rates.  To this day I benefit on super cheap media rates shipping my books.  One reason the USPS is going broke is because it loses money shipping my books, and Amazon's too.

What the internet has done is before the govt only knew you were reading Anarchy Today, they did not know what you think about what you read, now they know what you think.  Your blog posts, tweets, facebook and emails self-report to the State.

Young Zuckerberg and Brin claim they know none of this, which of course is sheer nonsense.  They went to the same Johns Hopkins youth camp where future leaders are groomed to take over the commanding heights.  Both Google and Facebook are USA intelligence gathering assets which is why China does not allow them and Europe keeps suing both so through "discovery" they can figure out what Uncle Sam is up to.

Yes, Uncle Sam has a record of everything you ever did on the web.  But we knew that back in 1988.  It has been repeated a million times.  Now it is a scandal?

No, you are not being targeted with someone watching you.  But yes, absolutely every moment in your life is being recorded one way or another.  Why?  Because they can, and it is inexpensive with the infrastructure in place, and if and when the State needs to target you, they can and will find more than enough facts on you to destroy you.  No of us can withstand full disclosure.

And for this reason, there are no judges, congressmen, generals or anyone else who can stand up to the "powers-that-be."  Yes, there are no more plane wrecks or lone gunmen to worry about, just the Petraues exposure things.  Just as good as as bullet, but without the conspiracy industry.  No doubt about it, he was banging the other officer, the other man's wife.  End of his military life.

This is nothing new either.  We all think that police officers back each other up out of honor and sacrifice or whatever.  No, cops back each other up because almost all cops maintain files on some other cops, one way or another.  Like us, they have all done something wrong.   Other cops look the other way if only to have something on other cops.  If one cop turns on another, others will go down.  This is why no where in USA is there independent citizen review board of police action.  A citizen review board might rule justly and send a cop to prison.  He won't go without taking six others.  Hong Kong has a version, the ICAC, which focusses on anyone in any office.  It works pretty well.

People are ticked off.  That is the dangerous part, for if it gets violent, it will only get worse.  There is a way out, and that is independent truth commissions.  Something like the ailing Nelson Mandella put in place.  Where anyone who confesses a crime is immune from prosecution for that crime.

But to do that we'd have to end the experiment of the United States, just like the South African system ended.  Rough going, that.  That is not going to happen.  Opium is the religion of the masses, and they are not going to give up their daily fix of facebook.  To those for whom reality is a crutch because they cannot handle religion, well, you are in a fine mess:  government is chaos and there is no god. Ouch! For me, I will go to Mass today and beg God to deliver me, yet fear His just punishment.


A hero speaks....
He has had "a very comfortable life" that included a salary of roughly $200,000, a girlfriend with whom he shared a home in Hawaii, a stable career, and a family he loves. "I'm willing to sacrifice all of that because I can't in good conscience allow the US government to destroy privacy, internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they're secretly building."
Well, if the Chinese get him, he'll never be heard from again, if the US gets him he'll never be heard from again...    I doubt Iceland can protect him...  and Hong Kong cannot as long as there is a US Consulate there...  but I understand completely, since the daughters of Afghani villagers are not safe from the USMilitary my daughters are no safe.  I don't want to live under that regime either.  I won't kill to change anything...  but God's patience with USA is not approval.

Second Update:

O dear, the leakmeister Snowden was, like me, a Ron Paul supporter.  I learned as a Ron Paul delegate to the Washington State Convention in 2008 that all violence in USA originates and proceeds from the political parties themselves.  The election fraud was rampant and open.  It has been no surprise as we learn these last few weeks that the government employees themselves participate in the fraud efforts, something I understood in the early 1990s when AOL and Compuserve IRC rooms were stuffed with government employees killing time.  It also became clear the Microsoft's fortunes were tied to the growth of government.

Truth commissions.  They help the guilty too, who want freedom from their crimes.

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