Monday, August 24, 2015

Start-up Trade Show Advice

Finally a trade show advice article that is spot on!  I'll expand on two points:

“The main trick is to be able to judge body language and to listen,” Kate stresses. “If a customer says no verbally, or their body language says no, then thank them for their time and move on to the next potential customer or client.”

No to what?  The sales process is approach, qualification, agreement on need...  body language is fine, but you can elicit specific responses to find out if this is a buyer (ready willing and able) and if not, get rid of them.  If so, then they either place the order, or if not, for what valid reason?  Anything less than this is a waste.
To get the most out of your time at trade shows, always set targets that you and your staff can work towards, whether that’s data collection, PR, sales, or sampling targets.
The point of a trade show is trade, sales.  Your targets should be sales, and if not why not.  Sales and market feedback.

Incentivize the press?
“We offered VIPs and press members free spa treatments and VIP goody bags at the show. If your company does not have physical products to give to VIPs, you could always consider buying in gifts from third parties that fit with your brand,” Kate recommends. “For example, if you are a travel agent you could put together a beach bag gift with travel essentials in it, like a branded beach ball and sun cream.”
Write a half dozen articles, unsigned, about your company and line.  The news is your LCL MOQ FOB.  Put a $50 bill in the envelope with the article.  Hand the 9x12 envelope to the writer visiting your booth and say there is another one of these if this gets published.

The writer will figure it out, put his name on your article, and you get invaluable press for $100.

Who wants swag? People need money.  Writers aren't paid much at all.

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