Friday, April 1, 2016

Smaller, More Usable Nukes

The Nobel Peace Prize might have meant something when Dr. ML King or Mother Teresa won it, but now it is defunct and ridiculous now that Barack Obama, the war-monger holds it.
Are we on the verge of another ridiculous buildup in nuclear weapons?
I think so, and so does former Defense Secretary William Perry who says “We now are at a precipice of a new nuclear arms race.”
Perry was commenting on the Pentagon’s plan to blow $1 trillion or more on smaller, more tactical nuclear weapons.
President Obama agrees with the Pentagon.
Just so.  Getting ready for WWIII, a change of topic.  The big fear is terrorists may get a small nuke.  We are doing our part, we'll kick in a trillion in credit toward creating a mini-nuke.

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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Property Rights In Israel

It is interesting property rights are not absolute in Israel -

The land shall not be sold in perpetuity for the land is mine and
you shall be strangers and temporary residents with me
(Leviticus 25:23)

In Hong Kong, which is about as peaceful and prosperous a polity as can be imagined, land cannot be owned either.

Plutarch makes much of land reform and property redistribution in his "Makers of Rome."  It seems to be a recurring problem, with Mohammed allowing land unused for 3 years to be assumed by whomever will work, and common law in Christian lands allowing for a process called adverse possession (but ten years).

ON the one hand the religions assume, even demand, that the land be worked.  But also presume this is not perpetual or eternal.
Property is generally defined as what you mix with your labor, and perhaps that can be refined to "as long as you are mixing it with your labor."  As they say in biology, use it or lose it.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

San B iPhone Question

Here is a question I have not seen asked anywhere yet.  How is it terrorists (if we are to believe anything the hegemon says) working for the hegemon, issued iPhones by the hegemon, for work for the hegemon, have no keys for the hegemon to use to open iPhone.  Who gets to keep an off-limits locked file cabinet the boss cannot access at work?    Doesn't happen.  How come it is supposed to be true with smartphones?

And again, how come the NSA which records every one of my posts, and while I am searched at airports, no one saw this government employee using government equipment in support of carrying out a terror attack.

Of course the hegemon had keys all along, and Apple is a player in security theatre, but this suspension of disbelief is a bit much.

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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Debt is not Money

Here a mainstream writer continues saying what I've been saying:
Now that we’ve defined what money is, let me further define what money is not: debt. All U.S. dollars, which is to say Federal Reserve Notes, are debt. They are neither redeemable for anything by their issuer, nor is there a limit on how many can be created. They represent only a vague claim against the “good faith and credit” of the United States government, which is to say the government’s ability to extract taxes from its subjects.
He goes on to urge people load up on gold.  If what he predicts is true, then any gold you'll have will be forfeit.  Better to have a business, not gold.

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Legalize Marijuana, Less Prison and Death

So here comes an intriguing correlation:
Deaths caused by prescription of Opioid (opium), Vicodin, and OxyContin have approximately tripled since 1991, and every day 46 people die of such overdoses in the United States. However, in the 13 states that passed laws allowing for the use of medical marijuana between 1999 and 2010, 25 percent fewer people die overdoses of opioid drugs each year.
Yes, legalizing is an advance over criminalizing, but decriminalising weed, that is estblishing the hegemon has no opinion on marijauna, is the best of all.  In fact, the separation of medicine and state is imperative.

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Monday, March 28, 2016

Alphabet Agency Theatre

Truman created the CIA and decried the monster before he died.  Kennedy wanted to splinter it into a thousand pieces before he died.  Its reputation is just too tarnished today.  Now that its important and effective parts have been moved to the West Coast, the CIA can be mothballed, with just a storefront to entertain delusionals.  Indeed, all of the alphabet agencies...  CIA, FBI, DEA, IRS, ATF .. you name it, are now dependent on the beloved leader in all fields, now the most valuable corporation in the world.

Poindexter had the right idea, just out of touch with how to do it.  The CIA's "nonprofit (?!)" VC firm funded it, and The Johns Hopkins summer camp trained up the right actors.  The rest is theatre.

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Airport Security

Here a fellow complains the latest crime in Belgian may lead to moving airport security from terminal to curb.
As, if by moving the fences, they can’t get us. The only thing moving security curbside would actually do, of course, is shift the perimeter — and the busy choke point of passengers — to a new location. This meansnothing to an attacker, whose so-called “soft target” has simply been relocated from one spot to another, no less convenient one. But it would mean immense amounts of a hassle for everybody else.
Apparently he has not been through Narita, where security begins where your airport approach initiates.  Taking a cab?  That cab is secure.  Bus?  You'll be searched before you get on teh bus.  Train?  Foggedabout it.  Narita is max security lockdown without the crowds.  So there is a working, crowd-free system, way behind the curbside line, in place right now.

Now, I cannot criticize the Japanese, for I am an American.  I do recognize that ever since Mishima revived extremism in Japan, there has been some crazy events in Japan.  Japan is for the Japanese.

And USA is for everyone else.

Here, the airline industry has never turned a profit since the Wright brothers launched their bicycle at Kitty Hawk.  Sure, hyper-subsidized Alaska Airline has admirable profits on paper, but if you actually allocated the expenses of airlines to the tickets sold, they would all be bankrupt.  A classic example of privatizing profits and socializing costs.

Now as to those costs, they are well and truly padded by all concerned since the taxpayer is picking up the tab on a rolling eternal bailout anyway.  Like the Big Pharm, who knows what the real costs are, we can only account for what rack up in debts based on credit extended.

More worthy of USA would be to tell the airlines they must defend their craft themselves, and by the way, your tickets must cover all costs of runways, air traffic control,  what planes actually cost (again, who knows until the subsidies stop!)  Uncle Sam no longer has any interest or opinion as to what people make in the way of contracts.  And Uncle Sam certainly no longer enforces any contracts.

We need strict separation of transportation and State.  Then we can be safe.

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Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter!

So as I understand it, yesterday was rough for Satan.  He had his minions, the hegemons, murder the messiah, and he thought he'd knocked down yet another do-gooder.  But the shocker was when he went back to hell, this Messiah was there preaching to the dead!  This was different.

Next this Messiah gets up out of his grave and begins preaching to the living.

Talk about Deus ex Machina!

No matter how wicked it is revealed to be, doing violence just makes it worse.  We are to refrain, and await the Deus ex machina.

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How Much Credit is Right?

Pynchon said something about "get them to ask the wrong question and it does not matter what the answer is."

Mish has an article on credit problems in Spain.  We have the terms hydrous and anhydrous, why not have terms like malcredit and benecredit, or more simply credit is beneficial unless it is state credit, then it is termed malcredit.

In any event, in a free market, in which the hegemon has no opinion or power over who extends credit to whom under what circumstances, and certainly does nothing to enforce contracts, then the amount of credit is always perfect.  Two actors will decide if credit is a good idea in their immediate circumstances, and extinguish the credit as rational.

In terms of number of credit extensions, we have this already.  In terms of damage done by state issuance of malcredit, benecredit is dwarfed.  We have what is good, it is just that EZ Hegemon credit overwhelms those who do not know any difference.

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