Monday, October 16, 2000

An Editorial


At this link is the summary of a speech that I find surprising, if only
because the facts seem right. It is pro-world trade, but pro-WTO. As you
may know the WTO is about "managed trade" not free trade, so I am opposed to
the WTO (World Trade Organization) existing. (This website, though, also has
very informative links).

The benefits he cites in his speech I agree with, but they come from free
trade, not WTO-style managed trade. I am pleased with the WTO rioters as far
as they slowed the WTO, but the rioters destruction is what fruit comes off
their tree. I am in no hurry to see the anti-WTO people gain any advantage,
because they will be just as bad. The fight between these two is not over
managed trade vs. free trade, but what faction gets to manage the trade.
Neither side will do any good.

All free trade is unilateral. If USA drops barriers and tariffs, the rest of
the world will organize to sell to us. Nothing in writing, it is just how
the world naturally works. If we also truly have private corporations issue
our currency (as is technically the case in USA), then we would be as dynamic
as Hong Kong, what with 5 times the billionaires per capita as the USA (and a
higher per capita income).

John Spiers