Monday, September 16, 2002

Re: About Hong Kong Agent

In a message dated 9/12/02 9:22:29 PM, writes:

<< In follow up to our last communications, I just returned from China & Hong
Kong. Things went VERY well and I have placed my first order of 500 units of
the baby nursery mobile.

***And we agree you've gone ahead even though you have no customers orders
pending for these goods, right?***

The manufacturer agreed to my request to ship upon receipt of 30% and the
funds have been wired into their account. Because of reasons too numerous to
state in this email, I feel comfortable with them.

*** Whew... good luck!***

During your SDSU lecture, in your seminar manual and other sources concur
that I need a Hong Kong agent. Please tell me:

(1st)---->Tell me or point me in the right direction of where can I find an
inexpensive Hong Kong agent?

***Well, IF you had done the research for the best place in the world to have
these items made, you'd have come across the agents naturally in the process,
IF agents were natural to this specific distribution channel...***

(2nd)---> How do they and about how much will she/he charge?

*** Likely around 10%, but as a practical matter, it would not matter if you
were competing on design, and not competing on price.***

(3rd)----> I was awake & paying attention during your seminar, but what is
the purpose of a Hong Kong agent?

***Normally, they get you better prices, better service, faster delivery,
better quality than you can get on your own.***

Finally, which Ocean-liner is the cheapest to ship my products from Hong Kong
To L.A. or San Diego?

*** the agents and you customs broker will worry about that, or would have,
had you spoken to them about logistics/costs earlier in the process. You can
ask now, but in any event, it will be they who handle this aspect. I think
this is a classic case of orgainizing around a resource (and not organizing
around customers), so I am anxious for your success... do let me know how
things go.***
