Wednesday, January 9, 2008

In the news roundup today, I lead with an article on New Hampshire voting machines... as I mentioned in my book review, STEAL THIS VOTE, if computers are involved, you cannot know if fraud was present.

Apparently Chris Matthews is calling New Hampshire voters "liars" for misleading exit pollers and pollsters. Well, how about the polls were accurate, and the voting fraudulent?

As I've said before Hillary Clinton will be the next president. I have no problem with Hillary, since some of my best business experiences were dealing with communists, and we will follow that path as we face the financial crisis we are now ignoring. When Pres. Hillary lays down the law, communism will be better that the crimes of the Republicans and their Trotskyite brains. And if she follows Beijing closely, perhaps we'll see peace, prosperity and freedom under communism in USA.

I'll leave off voting fraud as something from small business to address, but there is something one might observe.

No Ron Paul will not win. I will vote for him because I NEVER throw my vote away by voting dem or rep, and I agree with him. He'll do for Hillary what Ross Perot did for Bill.

But there is something to observe with the Ron Paul set. They are a self-selecting group that has for the first time been discernable. There was never really any way to identify the set of early adopter, smart, unbiased, wealthier, etc... in short, Ron Paul supporters are exactly our customers. I'll expand on this over time, and what one might do with it.