Wednesday, January 28, 2009

FBI Saw Mortgage Fraud in 2004

Retired FBI agents tell us they knew about the mortgage fraud in 2004 and had to let it go to fight "terrorism." In a free market, you do not need law enforcement and regulations. People live by their contracts, or find themselves shunned or exiled or both.

Leading Store Buyers Pay Bounty For New Products

I told you the fact that you are a new business with anew product is the ticket into the best stores, one of the best, Hammacher Schlemmer is paying $2500 bounty on new products...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Republicans Oppose Wasteful Spending

hahahaha ... This is hilarious:

"The Democrat bill won't stimulate anything but more government and more debt," Representative Mike Pence of Indiana, chairman of the Republican conference, said Tuesday. "The slow and wasteful spending in the House Democrat bill is a disservice to millions of Americans who want to see this Congress take immediate action to get this economy moving again."

Where was this guy the last eight years, when the republicans were spending all future revenues like drunken sailors? Now he gets religion?

Black Market Saves Banks

Every empire picks a commodity to violently control as a means to suppress the populace. In the United States it is drugs. Elsewhere I have demonstrated legalizing drugs would do nothing to increase tax revenues since the illegal drug trade pays top tax rates in the process of laundering money. If anything, with legalization tax revenue would drop.

Just how big is the "illegal" drug trade? According to the IHT, big enough to save failing banks. Now if true, and the US govt cannot save failing banks, should we turn the problem of banks over to the drug dealers?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Auschwitz Budget Woes

I am not making this up: there is a group seeking a bailout of Auschwitz. Well, get in line behind Larry Flint. I guess if one believes, as I do, that Microsoft would not exist in a free market, and should not exist, then I guess keeping Auschwitz open makes not sense to me. Is there something sentimental I am missing?

WalMart, Chile and Cuban Rum

US policy affects what Chileans can buy from a third country... it seems to me this opens yet another opportunity for small business.