Sunday, May 15, 2011

I rode a motorcycle for 3 years back in the '70s, year round, in Seattle and San Francisco, just a little Honda 350 cafe racer.  Honda sold it stock, but enthusiasts would strip it down and trick it out for real racing.  Not me, I liked it the way it was.  (I had a 67 305 Super Hawk for about a mont, mainly because it was what Pacino rode in Serpico... but it was too far gone and I sold it and got the 350.)

If I ever bought a bike again it would be one of these retro bikes.

The new stuff they are coming up with is too powerful (and so-so aesthetics) or too strange.

But it shows you what I know, that very cool Kaw 650, introduced even during the motorcycle boom, did not make it.  None of us knows what the customer wants.  But I can pick one up used.