Friday, April 29, 2011

Superman: Get a Job!

What a delight to read Superman is "tired of having my actions construed as instruments of U.S. policy..."! Exactly!  We vote against war, torture, bailouts, internal and external spying, for habeas corpus, against gitmo, and what do we get?  More of the same. Who gets blamed?  We Americans.

The problem is of course democracy is NOT the American way, we are a republic.  There is a difference, and the difference matters. This is not to say democrats believe in democracy, they don't, they support socialism, nor republicans believe in a republic, they don't they believe in fascism.  Even the Soviet Union, the USSR, was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.  Everyone talks republic.

A republic is designed for freedom, and that is the one thing we no longer have.  So it is a delight to see, but sad to say, the problem must be broached in a fantasy land of comic books.  Only way to sneak it in.  In the USSR there was a humor magazine called Crocodile that lampooned the powers that be.

Too bad Superman takes his problem to the UN.  And that his solution is to renounce his citizenship.  A far better way if for Superman to start a business (express delivery?) or lend a hand to Amish farmers who have their businesses destroyed by the FDA. (Milk delivery?) Now there is some raw evil to face!