Saturday, February 27, 1999

No Substitutes For Tradeshows

You know my attitude towards seeling on the net, and putting any effort there,
I am generally against importers retailing on the net, I believe you ought to
sell to net retailers, not be one yourself...this is not so say I can't
imagine uses for the net...
For example, given that most retailers are starved for new items, and we are
new item introducers, and the net is dirt cheap way to offer new
ideas..perhaps trade show managers such as Little co. might be interested in a
venue that promoted new items from new it "virtual trade
show"...legitimate retailers place orders for your product and you attempt to
gain enough minimum orders to cover the minimum your supplier requires. I
have no time to pursue this right now, but I'd be willing to join a group of
people planning the execution of such an idea. let me know..