Tuesday, July 17, 2001

International Business Agreements

Dear Dr. John,

Below is some recent correspondence with my friend Jack in Taiwan. I am
proposing to assist them assist me with development of a new dye that would
make my original garment idea possible. I know you mentioned an agreement in
class that would involve them marking up the price to my competitors and
send me a check!!! Right???

Soooooo, I'm hoping you can help me out by pointing me toward an example,
telling me what the agreement is called or giving me some ideas of how that
would work. I'm very pleased to have gotten to this point even though I'm
still a couple steps away from my goal.

Also really enjoyed your class and was wondering if you'll ever be lecturing
in Las Vegas, I would enjoy sitting in, meeting you buying you a coffee or
beer or something.

Thanks for your help

Michael D. Goff Company

PS Feel free to put this out for the group I can't seem to figure out how to
access although I do get occaisional emails lately regarding Russia and
Dear Mike :

Thanks for your mail.

I think we will think your idea over. We spared much effort in R&D job and
there are some clients feel much interested in this kind of product. But
they still don't have any information about it. Do you have any idea about
the agreement if it is possible ?

Please delivery the sample to me ASAP, once you get it.

best regards,

Jack Wu
----- Original Message -----
From: michael d. goff
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 8:24 PM
Subject: Samples 7_01

Dear Jack,

Thanks for all the useful information.

Business question: Would your company be interested in agreeing to
providing our final product solely to my company once research and
development are complete. Sales to my competitors would be at a slightly
higher price in which you and I would share the profit. I could much better
justify the costs of R&D if we could work out this agreement. If you think
we can work this out I will gladly forward the original invoice amount.

I will be getting to the new dye sample in the next few days. I conducted a
6 hour outdoor test on the fabric sample that you sent. The results were
much improved over my original trial however there was still alot of fade. I
will send that sample back with the trials of the new dye if you'd like -
hopefully next week.

Thanks for your help and I am excited about the progress we have made.

