Monday, September 24, 2001


RE: [spiers] Forgiveness

Specifically...which Bastards are you talking about?

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2001 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: [spiers] Forgiveness

We has Americans must not let these terrorist prevail. What has happen last
week was tragic and it will take time to heal but I feel we must keep this
economy going and not let these terrorist feel they are winning. Since this
tragedy has occur our stock market has dropped to one it lowest in years.
airline has laid off thousands and continue to do more lay off and our
live with fear. I work for United Airlines and this past week have seen
airplanes empty and have seen crews not come to work. America is about
freedom and we have lost it when we fear that there could be a chemical war
or a bombing in our streets. These people are crazy and they are calling
a Holy War they want our country to fear, that is what they are about they
have no respect for life. I won't let them control my life or my children.
I will continue to fly and I will buy stocks and I will continue to buy to
keep our country from suffering a recession and I will be proud to cry the
American flag but to forgive these bastards.