Wednesday, October 2, 2002

In the beginning

Re: [spiers] In the beginning

In a message dated 10/2/02 8:43:41 AM, writes:

<< Hi John,
Well, we have located a product and written to 3 embassies but since
we are in the exploratory phase we haven't actually registered
ourselves for a business license yet, just used the name we are
planning on. Will this have any detrimental effect on our requests or
does it matter yet?

***The business license is registering to pay your taxes... no income, no
taxes... right now you are still studying business potential... if you find
no potential, then you have no business... and since no one will ask if you
are licensed, it ought not matter.***

We did mention what kind of experience we have
and prior companies we have worked with. (I'm so glad I bought your
book, it's going to be our business 'bible') Thanks for your help! >>

***The commercial attaches could care less about all that, they are there to
get you likley suppliers names... the most compelling story for the suppliers
would be that you have a product that named retailers say is a good idea and
does not exist... and how that makes for new biz for them in USA... how
close are you to that scenario?***
