Thursday, April 24, 2003

Sars and War

RE: [spiers] Sars and War

I heard one company uses their own quarantine process. They invite the
person to a hotel and let them stay for 3 days, if they don't get sick they
go see them at the hotel.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 9:12 PM
Subject: Re: [spiers] Sars and War

I am a flight attendant for United for over 20 years. I fly to China
regularly mainly Shanghai and I have not seen anyone with the illness so
The airline is recirulating the air and precautions are being taken if a CSR
or flight crew sees someone ill they are not allowed on the flight. I drink
lots of water on my flights and I take vitamins when I feel something coming
up I take Wellness vitamins you can get at" Whole Earth" it seems to help. I
wash my hand constantly and bring a hand santizer gel. Do not drink to much
alcohol it brings the immune system down.