Friday, June 13, 2003

Trade Leads

Re: [spiers] Trade Leads

I agree with Alex/Krusha. I have negotiated deals on every continent but
Australia and Antarctica, and with more nationalities than I can count right now
(and I even have my shoes off). I am currently writing a chapter on
international negotiations for a legal textbook on international transactions.

Setting aside the differences in international laws, in general each
nationality has a set of unwritten rules for doing business, even though there
may be
only minor differences between the rules of adjacent countries (e.g.,
Scandinavian countries have similar, but not identical, approaches to business).
biggest mistake most Americans make when entering an international transaction
is assuming that the American way of doing business is the only way, and the
right way, of doing business. In addition, Americans in general assume that
the foreign nationals will follow the American rules. I have seen this on
numerous occasions, even when the negotiation itself is not taking place in the

John's advice on knowing your customer is right on point. I'd like to add
that in order for you to be able to satisfy your customer, you have to know your
