Monday, July 14, 2003

PO box vs. home address

Re: [spiers] PO box vs. home address


John may have additional ideas, but you can go to Mail Boxes, Etc., or a
similar business, rent a box and use their street address.

Your box number will be used as your "Suite" number.

For example:

Mary Morrison
Suite 1234
5678 Your Street
Any Town, USA 90000

Suite "1234" would mean you have box number "1234" at Mail Boxes, Etc. The
street, city and state address information is the location of the Mail
Boxes, Etc. location.

Also, FedEx and every other service out their will deliver to Mail Boxes,
Etc. (at least to the best of my knowledge).

I've never used them, but friends have with good experiences. I think, for
an extra fee, they will call/e-mail you when you've got mail.


on 7/11/03 8:42 PM, at

> Hi John,
> Quick question about working "from the kitchen table"... should we use a PO
> box address on all correspondence or our home address for start-up? I would
> prefer not to have my home address on everything but Fed Ex/UPS don't work
> with
> PO boxes I believe? Is their a creative solution? Any input is greatly
> appreciated.
> Many Thanks!!
> Mary
> Mary Morrison
> Tiananmen Trading, Inc.
> Coral Gables, Florida
> Tel: 786.552.1311
> Em:
> Website: