Sunday, January 11, 2004

Pick and Pack Operation

Re: [spiers] Pick and Pack Operation

the best place is where
all your competitors go to but I have no idea where the people in
the HOMEWARE industry go to. Any idea anyone?

***Check out the catalogs and price lists of your 'competitors" and see if there
is a pattern as to where they warehouse... it will be on the order form, under
"FOB" as in "FOB cherry Hill, NJ" or FOB Sparks NV"***

Oh and by the way, I tried speaking with a few fulfillment services
and they all come back telling me that I am too small-scale for
them. So should I be looking for a small company too?

***See, here, economy of motion... If the warehouses you checked were not the
ones your competitors used, why spend time talking to them? What made you call
these specific fulfillment houses, if they were not the ones your competitors
use? Take the extra time to fiind out where you should be, and then ask. this
way you'll get where you need to go faster.***

I am also
concern about locating it too far away from where I live because I
feel that it'll be too hard to keep an eye on things. I'd appreciate
any feedback! Thanks!

***Ah, the things you need to keep an eye on are product dev and markets...
competent people will keep an eye on the other parts. ***
