Sunday, January 11, 2004

Tooling Cost

Re: [spiers] Tooling cost

To make production samples, factory quoted me few hundred dollars in
tooling cost. I remember you saying I could request this cost to be
paid later with orders? Could you explain that to me again? What was
the verbiage? Thanks!

***That would need re-explaining if I said that, because orders are not money,
so nothing can be paid with orders. I can imagine I would say that haviing
retailers who say "it is a good idea and does not exist" would either cause your
supplier to get on board with you, or cause you, given your passion for the
product, to be happy to pay any sample costs, if nothing else to have that which
you think will solve a problem.

Let's step back a bit... you have a variety of stores in your area that have
told you your product idea is good and does not exist, and based on this you
have found the best place in the world to have your product made? And this
factory wants you to cover tooling costs?

if so, then your supplier's requirement is either attractive or not. If not,
then back up, and get there.***
