Tuesday, July 6, 2004

New product easily copied

Hello John,

We have a concept for an excellent product, that could be very easily
mimicked. Our concept employs an already widely used device, which any other
could get a hold of, and then change its size, for another use.

It is really quite clever and I'm surprised no one has thought of it yet, but
it really is more readily "copyable" than most things we've come up with. I
know everyone always says they think their product will be copied, but with
this particular one, (since it's so easy to do,) it's a certainty the moment we
have the item in the stores.

We have done our market research, and asked for this item at retailers, and
stores have said it was a good idea, and they would carry our product.

One way to go, is to penetrate the market fast enough so you get the first
gains on it, and then realize that a competitor will see it, and make something
similar. This would require making umpteen thousands of these widgets.

Another way, would be to conceive of the design, and license it to a
manufacturer who has the market share and positioning to bring this forward in

I'm wondering if you can discuss the best ways to approach this?

I look forward to hearing your thoughts...

Sincerely yours,
