Friday, November 11, 2005

Google will drain Amazon

Re: [spiers] Google will drain Amazon

Although Amazon started out selling books, I think
it's so diversified with the sale of other products
that I would find it hard to believe that Google can
torpedo the company. Why can't Amazon adopt a plan
similar to Google? I order quite a few things from
Amazon and the items have nothing to do with books. I
think Amazon will be around for some time.

Now newspapers, TV, Radio, that is another story.
Those media outlets have crested and will soon
disappear. I see a large market penetration for ipods
and wonder what kind of impact they will have on
Radio, TV, and the written word. Just some thoughts.


--- John Spiers wrote:

> Folks,
> Probably on of the most disordered businesses is the
> publishing industry, much improved by
>, but still leaving much to be desired.
> Now comes google with a plan that I think will
> finish the publishing revolution, get it to
> rationality, but in the meantime eliminate
> Check out this offer:
> S#1785
> Make sure you cut and paste the whole thing...
> including the last numbers...
> With print on demand..and with google the ability to
> look up particular passages in any
> book.. and then buy it from the author... sigh... so
> long amazon.
> John