Monday, February 13, 2006

All Hail Walmart

Re: [spiers] Re: All Hail Walmart

On Mon, 13 Feb 2006 13:18:54 -0800 (PST), M A Granich wrote

> Two of W. Edwards Demming's 7 sins that can keep the
> US from competing were 1) the cost of healthcare, and
> 2) the cost of litigation. For healthcare, would a
> Canadian style nationalized single payer healthcare
> system lift the burden on businesses and allow the US
> to be better competitors?

As the world's #1 exporter and worlds #1 importer, i get a bit lost when people
like Demming
say we fail to compete... but, to the point... the health care burden on biz is
put there by govt
regulation, the govt requires the burden be of a certain kind of "healthcare"
what they say
healthcare is, not what may be best for you and me.

In canada they are way ahead of us in small businesses directly patients to
better places
overseas for healthcare... shortening waiting times for healthcare is a
political issue in
canadian elections...

I'd bet the solution would be to deregulate medicine in USA... that will not
happen, so
medicine will continue to be an area wide open for small business innovation.
