Sunday, February 26, 2006

Chinese Government questions

Re: [spiers] Chinese Government questions

I think there are plenty of people who worry about China's emerging power, and I
think they
are concentrated in the Halls of Power in Washington DC.

Depending on your view of USA, China can be seen as a threat or not. I think
those who love
the sole superpower USA have much to worry about, but I think they love the
superpower" part more than they love the "USA" part of "sole superpower USA". I
love the USA
part. And incidently, there is a rash of books coming out comparing the current
USA regime
to what the founders created, notably Gore Vidal's new book. For a semi-novel
version of
those events read his book "Burr."

In the measure we have decided to become an imperial power, in that measure we
opened ourselves up to the inevitable decline of the empire. From history we
can see in every
instance it is some absurd country that pulls out in the lead as hegemony is
contested. That
the Greeks beat the Persians...impossible! That the Romans buried the
unthinkable! Moslems routed the Christians from the middle east... it would
never happen.
This is true of China and India history as well.

The process is always the same... some unexpected country co-opts the technology
of the
superior power and uses it against them. Portugal became a world power when it
got the
sextant from the Arabs. Then the Spanish got it. The Brits beat the vastly
superior French
forces at Agincourt with yew longbows, something they bought from the French,

If when when our empire falls it will be some unexpected country and in some
way. China is too obvious a country to be the next imperial power... think
Maybe Peru, or say Vietnam. Vietnam already beat us once, and they beat China
too for good
measure, in one month flat. They've had the bonding experience a nation needs
to have a
national myth.

And turning our tech against us will not be hard... bringing down our financial
system via
hacking, raining our nuclear weapons down on us by hacking into our own command
control system which is radio and electronic. Rumsfled wants more of these
although the Navy has been taking the nukes off the Trident subs and replacing
them with
cruise missiles for some reason.

Just as a broken Germany could overrun Europe by capturing the political
capitals of the
centrally planned european economies, so the Vietnamese may simply take
Washington and
our leaders will capitulate. In twenty years the #1 name boys' name in USA will
be Nguyen.

Or not. It is up to USA what happens to USA, not China.


On Sun, 26 Feb 2006 13:09:40 -0600, "Joseph M. Binder" <>
wrote :

> Curious to your opinion of China using its up and coming wealth to fund the
> building of a blue water navy capaple of projecting military force around
> the globe. It is my understanding that they are working on a great number
> of ballistic nuclear subs, and a sizable surface fleet.
> History has indicated that when a nation has built a superior military
> force, inevitably they use it to promote their agenda. Does the US and the
> world have reason to be concerned?
> Joe