Sunday, February 12, 2006

Competing in Services

Re: [spiers] Competing in Services

> Same fellow is now going after real estate agents.

How is it that real estate agents control so much of
the market? I would love to see the real estate
agency go down the toilet. The 6% fee seems grossly
unfair vs the service they provide, it can be
downright obscene. I never understood why it is the
way it is.

> Question: Is it better to government regulators sort
> out market distortions,
> or leave it to small business people to correct
> inbalances?

There is room for both. Ideally, small business would
do the job. But if the "market distortion" is a
monopoly, then consumers are hurt, ideas are stifled,
prices rise. I think big oil is a monopoly. They
have us all by the balls....BP, Texaco and Shell have
one and OPEC has the other. A small businessman just
can't go out and start a refinery. It is way too
expensive. That is when government should step in. I
think Microsoft is a monopoly too. They have 95% of
the market share. They are preditory about keeping it
