Monday, March 6, 2006

Medicine Biz Oppty


Comes a medical researcher claiming something is amiss with the AIDS HIV
construct. The
way she talks, the government is doing for homosexuals with AIDS what it did for
blacks in
the Tuskegee experiments.

I was Christmas shopping in London with my mother circa 1990 when we took a
break and
sat in a cafe where a table was just vacated by a trio, two nearly carrying one,
the one
obviously having his last Christmas ever. I am no doctor, but the lesions and
look sure
screamed "AIDS" to me.

My mother and I sat with our soda waters and engaged in a lively discussion that
my thirst. I took a long deep draft of the apple juice... my mind collapsed...
apple juice? Not
soda water? Yes, the unfinished apple juice of the "aids victim" just departed,
soon to be
dearly departed. I scooted across the street directly to a Pub and ordered "the
highest proof
you've got" and was served Lamb's Navy Rum, 151 proof, not permitted for sale in
USA. With
this I washed my mouth and lips liberally, spitting it onto the floor, then
recalled the barkeep
for another. "Bad day?" he inquired. This I downed to chase what it may. Soon
my mother
caught up, pleased she had won our debate, if only by forfeit, and decided since
I was
drinking heavily she would join me with a martini, vodka, twist of lemon. I get
a death
sentence, and she orders a martini. Some mom.

Later she shared her belief the AIDS thing was all nonsense, and since she spent
20 years at
University of Washington Medical School working research projects, maybe she had
a reason
to find my reaction amusing. "Let's go back and you can have some apple juice
too," I
offered. No thanks, she said, she'd stick with her martini.

On another occasion an ill-looking homosexual managed to accidently spit while
with me during a business meeting, his fluids landing literally in my eye,
mixing with my
fluids. Yikes! He turned sheet white and was about to apologize when I waved
him off, what
with me a dead man anyway, although he did not know that. I could afford to
show some
class for once, and he thought I was someone terrific. Please no one tell him

15 plus years later, only scars and broken bones, all self-inflicted, but no
AIDS. So, if we
have another bogus problem on our hands, where is the product or service in
response? For
my part, I keep a bottle of Lamb's Navy Rum, 151 proof, stocked in my bar, which
I pick up
overseas. It prevents AIDS.
