Thursday, May 4, 2006

Hong Kong: Do You Feel Safe?

Re: [spiers] Hong Kong: Do You Feel Safe?

> In USA our govt is working on a law that would make
> it a crime for the free market to work in
> gasoline prices. Instead of those with the greatest
> need paying the greatest price and
> clearing bottlenecks and shortages, the govt is
> looking at making problem-solving a crime

The same applies to the Internet. The Government will
soon give control of the Internet to Comcast, or
Verizon, or SBC, and other large corporations.
Instead of everyone getting the same service as far as
where you can go on the net, ie "Net Neutrality",
there will be levels of service. E-mail will cost,

> (Marc Rich single handedly solved the USA oil crisis
> in the 1970's, and the govt called it a
> felony. He escaped to Switzerland with his
> billions, where solving problems is not a crime).

It wasn't problem solving that got Marc Rich into
trouble, it was paying his taxes. He should have paid
his taxes like everyone else. How did he solve the
oil crisis?

>As far as esteem, yes, people are not
>as excited to meet this american as they once were.
>Our stock is going down, the rest of the
>world is rising.

A German friend of mine echos the same sentiment. She
works on an American military base near Frankfurt.
She said it was once a source of pride to work for
Americans and generally, Americans were envied. But
over the last few years she says attitudes have
changed. She described it as "disappointment." I
feel our clout has dried up. I blame our current
administration. I think the Iraq fiasco has forever
damaged our influence in the least in my
lifetime. AND, I think the Iraq debacle has left Iran
as the most influential country in the Mid-East.
Invading Iraq was a colossal mistake.
