Saturday, May 20, 2006

Re: Your kin assistance/ Trust

So I guess this is one type of business model in the import/export
world. It appears we've found the best supplier in the world for this
service/product, although I don't know how much of a need for it there
is. [LOL]

It got me thinking about how one navigates in business. One fear I have
is that my inexperience in navigating foreign suppliers and in dealing
with domestic retailers will mean I won't always know if things are
"right". There's a fine line between being suspicious and wanting
everything nailed down with lawyers and in writing and killing deals to
being naive and taken advantage of and taking things said orally
literally (like the scam email) instead of with a dose of skepticism.
It seems like every day there is a new scam taking advantage of others
when they don't even need to (they could actually make a profit doing
what they say if they would deliver, but instead cut and run because
they can't deliver).

How do you navigate this area in attitude and being open and trusting
enough to develop new areas and do the deals but cautious enough not to
be taken?
