Friday, July 21, 2006

When to start and quit


Absolutely critical and fundamental is to first know who your custoemrs will bem
in any business, and the best way to start is to ask them.

Last week the tailors from Hong Kong came to town and a half dozen of us met
with them to go over capabilities and target customers.

As these discussions proceed, i feel the same old excitement I felt 30 years
ago, that dangerous "o boy!" that I know now from experience is simply fantasy
getting ahead of reality. We've carefully constructed what we are doing to be
limited to

1. What no one else is doing

2. solves a problem

3. has customers...

oops...see ... i just made customers #3 on my list... it is so easy to not make
them first... so consider them moved back to #1...

4. If this does not pay from day one, we stop. Day one we all ordered clothes,
far better than anything else we cpould buy off the rack, and at a better price,
although we'll not be competing oon price as we go "public." We'll compete on
access to the best the world offers in each fabric category, and first rate
tailoring. Price is not going to matter.

Stopping is important... it breaks my heart to see people struggling to get a
biz going, as they keep running this way and that, trying to get something,
anything to work. As we narrowly define what we are doing to mean only what we
want to do, either there are custoemrs or there are not. if there are, we
proceed. if not, that is the end to it. And worse case scenario is we got
beautiful clothes at a good price.

As to a carpet project I am working on, the artisit for whom the carpets samples
were made has found the first minmum or requirement is sold, so we are on to the
second minimum. Y'all recall we work only on frequency, never in volume at the
small biz level.


Hi John...

No yet... I did some research with some companies and some friends that work on
those companies...

Regards a costumer I did not make any contact if they want to work with me...

I know what you mind, first we have to get a customer than move forward...I that



> From: "Valdir Mota"
> Date: 2006/07/14 Fri PM 08:08:06 EDT
> To:
> Subject: [spiers] Hi John....
> Valdir,
> Always two questions, have you spoken with people who will be your customers,
and what do they say is the reason they will do business with you...?
> John
> Hello John...
> I am thinking to start a business with clean company...
> Clean homes after they finish the construction, offices, companies, events,
hospital, etc...
> What do you thing about this market?
> I am here in Mobile , Alabama state....
> Take Care...
> Valdir