Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Sim Cards

RE: [spiers] Sim Cards

Hi Linda,

I think the problem was your phone was locked, which is typical for our
phones here in the US. When I was there I had a shop unlock my phone.
Then I got a sim card. If you can I'd suggest to just get your phone
unlocked here before traveling over there (much easier).

But, the point I wanted to make is it is very convenient and cheap to
have a local sim card over there. I like the idea of having a local
number that people over there can use to reach me. Next time I go back,
I'll just pop in the sim card when I arrive and will be all set.

Unlocking my phone also had no impact on my service back here in the
US. I have Cingular, but I know of people with other carriers that
don't have problems using unlocked phones either.

I was wondering whether your recommendation of using Skype was just for
use from your computer or from a cell phone? I ask because I don't
know much about Skype and I think there is some fancy way to use Skype
from certain cell phones (and maybe you have good feedback on that).


--- LINDA HALL wrote:

> Hi,
> I just returned from 3 weeks in China and tried to get a new sim card
> to cut
> phone expences while there. The store put one in and it was locked
> and
> needed a password to unlock it. So I couldnt do it.
> So checkout Skype, it works great, and sound it great.
> Linda Hall