Thursday, September 7, 2006

Sim Cards

Re: [spiers] Sim Cards

----- Original Message -----
From: "sourcesf"
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2006 12:26 AM
Subject: RE: [spiers] Sim Cards

>. As many I'm sure know, cell phones (even or
> especially used phones) are more expensive over there than they are
> here due to the nature of the cost structure differences for phone and
> service. Because of the differences in price, you would be better off
> buying a used phone here in the US (in other words, you can find a good
> quality used phone very cheap here). The used phone I bought over
> there had problems and I didn't have much recourse with the vendor I
> purchased the phone from.
> Victor

Now THERE, is a possible import-export opportunity, finding used cell phones
in the US to sell to parts of the world. Many people in the US are now
throwing their old contract cell phones in the garbage. Using the model of
finding and reselling used Levi 501s from years past, this might be very
lucrative. We would need a network of buyers in the US educated on what
constitutes an appropriate phone, and outlets and/or distribution systems in
the appropriate countries. A high value, low weight product, you can get for
practically nothing due to the rip off practices of US cell companies, and
resell in countries eager for good phones at a lower price.

What are the trade obstacles? Is the price differential enough to make this
opportunity pencil?

Who wants to play? Is there an interest here in developing a network to
become the big player in this market. I would be interested in
finding/recruiting used cell phones in Idaho, eastern Washington, western
Montana. (John, I hope my question does not constitute an offer, just
interested in helping form a supply network).

Victor can you give examples of the price spread we may be looking at, in
order to make the business model work?


Besides the obvious distribution systems, internet and ebay possibility
exist, of course.