Monday, October 16, 2006

Key How To


I believe the following to be true, and seek correction if not:

I think what I offer is unique, that is to say no one else offers it, and not to

1. How dissatisfaction in a field you love is the best place to start.

2. How to design a product, service or agricultural item...medicine,
machine...anything. How
to design what you offer. (Designers, and IPR implications)

3. How to get customers, and more customer: go in to your target market as a
customer, or
if trapped by a product already, how to go in merely to learn.

4. How to find the best place in the world to have your product made.

5. How to run a business. Respond thru redesign. Organize operations around
only what

6. How your work IS your lifestyle, as opposed to getting rich to buy a
lifestyle, or working to
pay for a lifestyle after giving up your best hours. You decide, but the point
is the work is the

7. How to work with suppliers.

8. How to deal with the complexities of int'l trade.

9. The only reasonable sources of finance.

10 . Follow up possibilities, such as it is.

I believe I am unique not only in the parts, but presenting them as a integrated
Certainly, everyone covers #8, but I am unique in advising to farm all that out,
whereas other
advise "become expert."

So if you would point out where I may be delusional, or perhaps not fully
explicatory, I'd be
happy to expouind further on any topic...
