Friday, October 27, 2006


Re: [spiers] Walls

Well, aren' t you addressing two problems? Security and economics?

I agree we have total lack of security on the borders. Anyone who wants to
attack us via the docks, can and will, since there is no security. My sense
that another power is holding back an attack because an attack is so easy, mere
terrs would have done it by now. For republicans to claim we have not been
attacked because torture and disappearing people and spying on everyone does the
trick, is to tempt fate. When the terrs tried to bomb the WTC in 1993, they
promised in court and elsewhere to succeed next time. The next time was eight
years later. We are only 5 years after the last attack. No wall will stop
these people.

One reason we are wide open to attack and illegal immigration is we were founded
as a country built on peace and freedom. We never built our roads, buildings,
capitals, biz districts and industral infrastructure to anticipate an attack.
As we see today an infrastructure to defend against attack is expensive, ugly
and won't work anyway. Look at what a mess has been made of our airpports. AS
we allow our country to change by putting more power into fewer hands, those
fewer hands decide they need more control. So now we are building concentration
camps, walls, domestic spy networks, legalize torture, etc.

Instead of the bad guys in USA govt being met with "12 million illegals and NOW
you want to build a wall?" or "300 million people with 600 million guns and we
need a wall to protect us from mexican day workers?".. . the bad politicians are
met with "Do something, anything...' In their contempt for us they build walls
and torture people.

Instead of camps, walls and torture, how about freedom? Restore congress's
oversight role, Withdraw the president's ability to declare war, end welfare as
we know it... end our standing army, which was never intended to be. And see
how freedom works. Our attackers do not hate us for our freedom, they hate us
for interfering in their freedom, in their home countries.

I agree we cannot afford illegal immigrants' burden on welfare. Get rid of
welfare and they will still come, because we still need them, as we are getting
older and they are getting younger. WE will need them, when we are older, to
work and support us, these illegal immigrants we just threatened and insulted.


Hogwash! This country NEEDS TO DO SOMETHING about the total LACK of security on
our borders. We can not continue to support, educate, provide free medical care
etc for the countless illegal alien that arrive in our country, not to
mention the security risks we face from terrorist attacks with unsecured
borders. I don't agree with a lot of the Bush Administration policies but this
one I support 100%. This country needs to wake up.

-------------- Original message --------------
From: John Spiers

> --
> Folks,
> Although New Orleans is down to 190,000 people for lack of repair,
> our gov't is funding a wall with Mexico, which will certainly
> inhibit trade.
> It brings to mind that other great wall, the Berlin Wall which I
> first saw in 1975. We know why the Berlin wall was built of course,
> to keep East Berliners in. It was quite cruel, manipulative, hard
> core communist thug politics.
> But what was the official East German reason for the Wall? What
> excuse could they use to sell such a monstrosity to the East German
> people? Believe it or not, they claimed it was to to keep West
> Berliners out of East Berlin, to protect the East German way of life
> from West German and Western lawlessness. The chief reasons were
> three:
> 1. Economic... West Europeans come to live in East Berlin, because
> East Germany is a welfare state. West Germans come for free
> education, welfare, medicine.hurting the East Germany economy.
> 2. Some West Germans work in East Germany, and spend in West Germany.
> They take jobs from East Germans.
> 3. Security... spies, terrorists, etc come from West into East.
> Now of course, this may all be true, but to build a wall is nonsense
> as a response, I sure felt it cruel and thuggish then. The worst
> part of course, is the East Germans would kill people who tried to go
> from East Berlin to West Berlin.
> Let's look at the reasons USA is building a wall with Mexico.
> 1. Economic... Mexicans come to live in USA, because USA is a welfare
> state. Mexicans come for free education, welfare, medicine.hurting
> the USA economy.
> 2. Some Mexicans work in USA, and spend in Mexico. They take jobs
> from Americans.
> 3. Security... spies, terrorists, etc come from Mexico into USA.
> Same reasons as East Germany! Now of course, this may all be true,
> but to build a wall is nonsense as a response, I sure feel it cruel
> and thuggish now. The worst part of course, is
> US security officers already have killed people, including US
> citizens, who try to escape into Mexico, instead of letting Mexico
> arrest them. (As West Germany arrested anyone escaping from the
> East, at least until they can determine why they left... Asylum...?
> criminal?)
> Is a wall with Mexico a good idea for USA? Is it the best we can
> come up with? Will it serve someday to keep us in?
> I am not worried whether or not our leadership is like the old East
> German thugs, I just wonder if the American people are any different
> than the German people.
> John Spiers
> Compete on Design!