Monday, November 6, 2006

Re: class week 4

> 1. Mexican Coffe bean and Thea
> I'm a totally coffe lover and I have so much passion for my culture and
traditions and I
really would like to expand that. S.... maybe everytime someone buys a cup of my
coffe "serve the coffe in a very unique well designed mug with the name of the
coffe...FREE!!!!! so everyone can taste the coffe even just to get that unique
mug FREE...
***AS to whether people want a lecture or a story with the coffe and a free mug
somethingonly the people you hope to sell to can tell... This sound slike
something Efren
wants to do, not what the customers are calling for...

Efren, you have an idea of Efren in the middle of a business that sells coffee,
Mexico and makes people happy. This is good, especially "makes people happy"
part. But it
cannot be what YOU think they want, it has to be what THEY say they want. You
can pick
coffee, but you have to make people happy with your coffee the way THEY want you
to make
it. There is no reason you cannot beat starbucks or anyone else, if you start
with the problem
people experience with coffee.

I know when I imagine myself in some role living some fantasy I either never
quite get there,
or worse yest, I get there and it is an unhappy place. On the other hand, the
few times I
manage to work at serving others, unexpectedly good things happy. It is quite a
mess, this
thing called slef-employment, but it sure beats working for a living. Help
people with

> 2. I being doing interior and furniture design for the last 9 years and I
loved it and I still
do...that's my passion and my professional carrer and I like to do something
with a piece of
funiture...I know this can be more complicated...
> I worked in the retail furnishing industry and we ALWAYS have a little
problem with some
desks.....THE HIGH, some people around here are very tall...I telling you
because I saw that
myself and I dealed with them always complained about that, so we ended up
custom made
one for them....only because of the high.
> so I like to workr in that too.... design a desk higher than 30" ....but
where and how to

****Start with the retail stores that you think would sell such a desk...try to
buy your
idea...see how many upscale stores say your desk is a good idea and does not
exist... report
back on the reults...
