Monday, November 26, 2007

China Trade Flows


As I have mentioned, China was supposed to enslave itself to the USA consumer by taking dollars and making us consumer goods. This would also keep a check on the official inflation
figures in USA, since we would be exporting it it China.

Instead, the Chinese are unloading those dollars in places like Africa, and laying down trade lanes that flow between China and Africa. And now inflation is kicking in here in USA.

The USA leadership is playing a zero-sum game in its policies, so other countries are welcoming China's initiatives. No matter what happens to Larry Lunchbucket in USA, it will still be private jets and red carpets for USA big shots as they travel around the world, just as it is for any third world kleptocratic leader. The results of USA policies make no difference to
USA leaders.

One reason the best and the brightest have flocked to USA in the last century is because it was so easy to do business here. These shifts worldwide in trade patterns will make it harder.
