Monday, December 10, 2007

Mould or Molds

Along with todays article, I'd like to mention some points on molds... One of the most successful small biz importers I ever met got started with a sample of matches that he dummied up from a block of wood, with striker material, drew some pretty designs, and then wrapped it in cellophane...

There are some amazing breakthroughs in "prototyping" out there, making styrofoam maodles of parts, for the purpose of getting orders.

I think people get caught up believing they need perfection, when "OK" will do. Let say there are 100,000 customers awaiting a perfect sample, that would cost you $50,000, which you simply cannot raise without orders first. What if only 5000 of those 100,000 would order against a poor quality sample, and you need only 1000 orders to cover a suppliers minimum? Obviously here, you could wait for perfection, or you could get going with less than perfection.

Never let lack of prototype or samples, etc, hold you back... keep talking to the custoemrs for another way if need be...
