Saturday, December 1, 2007



I have mentioned salt as an example of excess government control. In history almost all countries controlled salt to keep the people locked down. USA was one of the first to have free trade in salt, aprt of what made us great and free.

Mahatma Gandhi was no real threat to the British until he marched to the sea and picked up a piece of salt, the beginning of the end of British colonialism. Gandhi figured out how to break the British hold.

Well it seems, as part of the ongoing democrat and republican project to degenerate USA into a 3rd world country, USA govt control of salt is being recommended.

Let us see: a strong-man president, torture (now at the street level with the taser), massive warrantless spying, constant wars, suspension of habeas corpus, and let's control salt too.

The only entity left resisting is those with their own businesses, doing good while doing well.
