Saturday, January 26, 2008

Give Us Ron Paul rEVOLution... just not right away.

I like Ron Paul, have sent him a few hundred bucks, will vote for him, BUT... I am afraid if he is elected, people will come to hate freedom, and associate freedom with poverty and want.

After bringing our troops home, reducing the size of government drastically, eliminating the Federal Reserve Bank (It isn't federal, it has no reserves, and it is not a bank!) restoring states rights, and cutting taxes concomitantly, if there is no replacement of the income this system delivers to the American people, then we will be very poor indeed.

You see, our system does deliver, our empire has troops stationed in almost every country on earth. Our banking (for now) benefits USA first and most, and post WWII all trade lanes reached usa.

Of course this is crumbling, and cannot continue, and it will fall during the next president's watch. For there to be peace and prosperity in USA there must be a replacement of the wealth and commerce. Ron Paul has an entire school of economics behind him, those countless scholars should get busy and answer the question: "how much small business do we need to replace empire in the GDP?"

Certainly a free market and property rights and freedom to contract is necessary to restore an authentic economy, but WHO will start businesses? Once a few million government workers find themselves unemployed, are they going to start innovating? What about the countless defense engineers? Microsoft's #1 customer is government, as is just about every software company. Customers will dry up, and thus jobs. The big three auto firms would fail. Sure, some people would start their own companies, but enough to replace the contribution of big auto to the USA economy?

Nobody has studied what it would take to replace the part of USA GDP that is derived from "empire." It must be substantial, since countless have died trying to stop us from taking what is theirs.

Without subsidies, our mega-agriculture farms will cease overnight. Family farming takes tremendous talent and commitment. Who will replace our frankencorn? Of course, small farmers worldwide would rejoice, but I am first and foremost concerned about USA.

Consider how many people work for govt or are dependent on govt. Consider where USA gets its money. Where would the money to employ these people come from? Of course the only ready source of income would be from small business formation. It takes no government program, it is open to everyone, finance is never the problem, and with no taxes to speak of or silly regulations (sand is a hazardous material according to the EPA), every american would find an income soon enough.

But that is not going to happen. Not enough people know how to farm, fish, log, mine, woodwork, sew, bake, etc, let alone be self-employed. We just do not have enough americans open to being self-employed to replace the income from empire. A Ron Paul success would be a disaster.

Without our troops overseas, very many bad people will lose their jobs as dictators, along with their friends. The people who assume power will likely not trust USA. Ironically, so many countries have been unleashing the power of their people thru liberalization, that I expect the rest of the world would flourish with us out of the game. A safe bet, since they are anyway. We'd see a brain drain of our best and brightest to India, China, and countless other smaller countries.

Most of the countries carefully control immigration. They would recruit our best, and reject our worst.

Under Ron Paul, there would be people self-employed, who would be the envy of all americans on one side, and those struggling or starving, waiting for handouts on the other.

Better that Hillary is (fraudulently) elected, with the slow grinding wars, serial failure of all government plans, further destruction of USA liberty, contrived conflicts between americans, carefully worked out terms of surrender to the Chinese and Arabs now that they have used our means to defeat us. In say, another 30 years, we can form the critical mass necessary to return USA to its Jeffersonian ideal.

When a free market within USA can feed clothe and house americans, and provide other human services, then we can have a Ron Paul rEVOLution. We are not there yet. It necessarily will get worse before it gets better. I am optimistic about that.


Anonymous said...

Mad Max Future?

From this article we can see that people don't need to know how to fish, log, or mine. There is an easier solution, and it is happening now. Is it a vision of the future?