Saturday, March 15, 2008

All a- twitter Over New Service Idea

I'd never heard of "twitter" before a Nationalist Public Radio show yesterday in which a fellow was recounting a conference in which the speakers on the stage were founds themselves shouted down by the audience for their obtuse presentation. Forget the details, the phenomenam is what matters.

This is news to me, but apparently people outfitted with certain features on some cell phones can join a on-the-fly discussion group. Where once you sat stupefied in a meeting where leaders discussed some point of interest, now you can share your thoughts with other members of the audience as events unfold. What happens is one learns one is not alone in one's views.

I recall watching Gloria Steinem being interviewed on TV once.

The show host asked a question, and Gloria Steinem pushed her message, regardless of the question asked.

Host: Is equality found in biology or reason, or elsewhere?

Steinem: Stay-at-home-moms are parasites.

Oh. In life, if you like, the rest of the world can conform around you. It seemed so rude.

Of course, we see this in public meetings. Some hot topic will be addressed, the powers that be will put approved idea-vendors on the stage, and you will either submit or leave under the assumption that you must be crazy.

With twitter, people quickly realize they are not crazy. The clown on the stage is the nut. The individual takes courage from the mob. And the people on the stage are shouted down.

Of course,if the people on the stage truly want to address the concerns of the audience, they would employ twitter to survey the audience and ascertain what concerns the audience wants addressed, and more perfectly match the talent on the stage to the needs of the assembled people.

The service business would be to rent out at meetings the devices and software that facilitates all this, and compete on design of an offering that best suits all involved.