Thursday, March 13, 2008

Anyone With A Passion For Education?

A trade lead - new service opportunity...

It would be good for business if a Ron Paul were to undo all the of the damage done by unconstitutional and just plain foolish policy. His policies would undo the massive, integrated malinvestment and exploitation that has resulted in the problems we face today. USA people are busy at this unnatural superstructure of commerce and society, representing an incalculable opportunity cost.

Our imperial forces assure supplies lines of exploited raw materials flowing into our industries, our banks and financial institutions cut the deals worldwide which keep money flowing (so far), our educational structure keeps producing fodder for the system (not just the military), and medicine is the new salt, the element used to keep everyone locked down (and fear of losing medicine as a motivation).

If Ron Paul were elected, and began eliminating the department of education, the fed reserve, and pull the troops home, his top priorities, peace may break out around the world, and opportunity abound, but Americans would come to hate freedom all the more. If we leave off the Hamiltonian system, and embrace Jeffersonian, there simply is not the cultural capital available in USA of small biz who would step in and take up the slack providing goods and services in the vacuum when the present providers (in our distorted malformed economy) wither away. The helpless, disoriented masses, unable to help themselves, disintegrating like a loaf of white bread in a rainstorm, would clamor for war.

WE need a critical mass of people who can handle free markets, peace and prosperity. People who understand how to operate in such a milieu. There are some of us, but not enough to support everyone out there.

Job # 1 is to reintroduce entrepreneurialism in USA. A small slice. Say, deregulate medicine. Watch what happens. Let people see and learn. Our economy shot ahead when the unthinkable was done, and my hero Jimmy Carter deregulated telecommunications. eMail! The internet.

Bread was once to kill and die for. With free markets in restaurants, they give it to you free as soon as you sit down. With free markets in medicine, your prescriptions would be free. We would have more better cheaper faster. Cash would be king, not insurance. Catastrophic insurance would look new and different. It would be a pleasing picture.

Freedom may have had a chance with Clinton, because it was a plausible alternative then. The conservative, Christian right, as hijacked by Geo Bush and the neocons, in eight years has set back freedom 100 years. Ron Paul pulls about 4%, reflecting how many Americans love freedom. That 4% cannot carry the 96%, who have all the initiative of bears hanging out at the dumpsters in the Yosemite. It would take 2 generations for the USA to re-accumulate the cultural capital to support ourselves.

Now, we are going to have to face losing hamiltonianism in time anyway, the hamiltonian system is the one proven to never stand. The Soviet Union was essentially Hamiltonian. Hamiltonians pat themselves on the back for defeating the soviet union, when in fact they are merely the last man standing on the titanic. It is over except for the looting, now in progress, at a caucus near you.

How far will the collapsing system disintegrate, how much disorientation will take place, how fast will free-marketers step in to help others psychologically unable to help themselves, just how much will disappear thru the looting taking place at the top levels, how quickly will a criticial mass of people learn to be responsible, and will the center hold in the meantime? Who knows?

I think the answer is to start a school. With the school uniform sack cloth and ashes.