Sunday, March 16, 2008

Brew Better Coffee

Anthony offers how to brew a better cup, and birddogs an article on Starbuck's relations with Ethiopia. Says Anthony:

Says Anthony:

Starbucks is using the US government to block Ethiopia
from trade marking its coffee.

I'm not going to import coffee, but I heard something
interesting yesterday about coffee.

I bet Italy colonized Ethiopia for the coffee. I
think they save the best beans for themselves. Italy
probably imports inferior columbian beans then exports
them to the US with Italian labels.

Recently, a coffee connoisseur shared the three
secrets to why Italian coffee is so good(I guess they
are not so secret). 1) Use only Ethiopian Arabica
beans. All other coffee beans are inferior. 2) Stop
the roasting process right after the second "crack".
Evidently coffee "cracks" when roasted. 3) Hand pull
the shot at the lowest acceptable temperature. It may
take longer, but will taste less bitter. The higher
the temperature the more bitter it will taste.