Monday, March 3, 2008

Hillary Update - Small Business

Drudgereport announces Hillary is being pressured to quit. The Governor of Ohio, a Clinton supporter says he may have trouble delivering Ohio to Hillary. Of course.

When Hillary is president, she’ll face many challenges, and by then she will have played a script that shows her a scrappy trench fighter, just the kind of Commander-in-Chief USA needs in the wars and challenges American faces, for our children, etc.

As I said before, I don’t usually make predictions, and I am not making one now: Hillary will be president. They have decided.

“They” are the ones that lied us into Iraq, award $4.6 billion dollar “translation services” contracts for Iraq (I’ll tell you what the Iraqis are saying for half that), accept that US$8 billion cash disappeared one day in Iraq, they are the ones who created the mortgage debacle, “they” are both dems and repubs.

I heard some Obama supporters claiming there would be massive protest if the rules are bent to give Hillary the presidency. Why? Nothing happened when it was given to George Bush. The democrats were given control to congress to end the war, their first act was to crack down on internet dissent. And then vote for a surge in Iraq, which has failed, too. If the point of the surge was to get enough ahead so we can leave, why are we not leaving? The reason is that the surge has failed. There is talk of the duration being 100 years, and there is no protest. There is strong evidence of treason in the state department and Henry Waxman is tying up hearings time and FBI agents to find out if Roger Clemens took supplements.

Small business is resistance. It challenges the status quo in a radical way. No one business makes a difference, but serving each other in small business obviates the need for what these scoundrels claim to provide. Hillary promises health care. As defined by government.

California is going bankrupt at various government levels. What the government defines as education and police protection is not what you and I would buy, and what the govt is selling is breaking the state financially.

The Texas and Ohio contests will be close. A tight race. Exciting television and talkradio. Much is riding on the results. That is why “they” have already decided the outcome. Too much is at stake to leave it to chance, or worse, the people.

After Hillary’s hard-fought campaign against great odds, you can rest assured she’ll be a great president. And have you noticed all of our greatest presidents were war presidents?

Not mine. Mine are Grover Cleveland, the last president to veto a congressional spending bill on the grounds it was unconstitutional. And of course, Jimmy Carter who deregulated beer production, which allowed a wonderful microbrew industry to flourish in USA.

A much larger war requires sacrifices, and will make personal concerns about the mortgage mess and empty pensions seem so selfish. On the other hand, Bill Clinton wandering around the White House for eight years with nothing to do will be priceless entertainment.