Monday, March 31, 2008

Lack of Faith

When hamiltonianism failed in foreign relations we passed the Patriot Act laws and invaded a country that was no threat to us. Now hamiltonianism has failed in banking we are talking about giving the FED fantastic new powers and nationalizing the banks, in essence writing patriot act laws for the FED and invading private property.

Our leaders no longer believe in Jeffersonism, because they failed at hamiltonianism. It is win-win for them, lose-lose for the taxpayer.

If the free market were allowed to work, the taxpayer would avoid being saddled with the cost of this adventure in banking.

The hamiltonians would have bailed out the banks and burned the taxpayers. The plan now is for the government to seize the banks and burn the taxpayer.

At some point, we should give freedom a try.


Anonymous said...

I would think they would realize that by destroying the people they are ultimately destroying themselves, or do they just simply float above it all? The book "The Devil's Chemists" written in 1947 I think, show how the chemical companies supported and profited from the 3rd Reich and got off scott free. Look how they are doing now!