Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Communist Party - People's Republic of China

The best president in the last 100 years, Jimmy Carter, got in trouble for pointing out the American government had an "inordinate fear of communism." The only successful communist party ever is the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China. And what a spectacular success it has been. Is there something essentially superior to the Chinese that they could make communism work, where no one else could? They have engineered the greatest creation of prosperity with peaceful means mankind has ever seen. At the same time, the communists have permitted Hong Kong to continue as a free port, in fact replicating the Hong Kong success in another 20 cities in China.

Now Hong Kong is of course a Celtic innovation that by happy accident ended up on the South China Coast. But here again, like Communism, another utterly foreign innovation, the Chinese were able to make it work in China. The Portuguese had better relations and a longer time-frame in Macao, just a few dozen miles across the Pearl River Delta from Hong Kong, but never thought to match the offer of freedom made in Hong Kong. Of course, now free of Portuguese administration, Macao booms like a Chinese fireworks show.

The Chinese success has been an opportunity for small businesses worldwide, as anyone who attends Chinese trade shows can see. The demand for Chinese innovation and cheap management has created labor shortages in China, forcing wages and the standard of living up at the bottom of the economic pyramid. The Communist Party of China has been a blessing to small businesspeople worldwide.

The Chinese under the Communist Party have been excellent competitors. I regret that the Chinese, for all their inventiveness, have not been the innovators that historically has contributed to the good, the true and the beautiful that has so benefitted mankind in the past. But good enough, we must take what good we can get.

Competition is from the Greek meaning "to strive with..." as when single runners never go as fast as a dozen all do when running against each other.

Right now the American Revolution has gotten off track, hijacked by the Hamiltonians, and the fruits of their policies are bitter indeed with the financial problems, food shortages, permanent war, lockdown on civil liberties and other promises they have made and delivered on.

These Hamiltonians are too dull to compete, they can only do war when their unimaginative polcies fail. The Communist Party of China is leading the Chinese people to unimagined prosperity and the Hamiltonians want combat not competition.

I am certainly not about to move to China. USA will return to its role as a beacon of hope to the oppressed of the world once we Jeffersonians restore the American Revolution. The Chinese Communists are outperforming the USA Hamiltonians. Big deal. I can do that. My job is to stay here and do just that, at the small business level.

But to restore the American Revolution, and compete with the Chinese Communist Revolution, we have to be here build the restoration when the Hamiltonians fall, whether it is during the eight years Hillary is the Hamiltonian president, or some time after.

What will be interesting is when the best of China gets into a competition with the best of USA. Then we'll see the world progress when all, especially the poor, have access to the material benefits of free market science and industry, and the leisure to pursue the good, the true and the beautiful.

Right now, all Americans are losing, whether they know it or not. Under the Hamiltonians, the failure is complete, it is just a matter of suing for peace, with your present and future ransomed for the benefit of a few. A done deal.

The antidote can be taken immediately, and begins to cure immediately. Start your own business. As Cicero said, dimidium facti qui coepit habet. Begin and you are halfway there. You know how to begin. Note a problem you experience in a field you love. Then come over to the blog, where we have made it easier to use, and continue the conversation and support for your business. Excelsior!


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this blog, John. Just start a small business seems so easy. Still working through getting mine off the ground. Collaborating with Court West over in China is looking hopeful, though.
Do you see any chance for Obama?

Anonymous said...

How ironic that Joe U.S. fears China because of the lower living standards that they associate with communist rule. Meanwhile, China living standards skyrocket while U.S. standards drop.

It's often aging and inaccurate cultural sterotypes that drive this perception. Cold war adults think about China in terms of third world, barefoot people, driving oxen to work. We Americans are losing the war because of our own ignorance.

Our hope may be in younger Americans soon to take over the opinion leadership positions, who aren't burdened by those wrong perceptions, and think of China in terms of ultra-modern skyscrapers and factories, fashion at the cutting edge, innovation, and athletic dominance through Yao Ming and (soon) the Olympics.

When that perception changes, we then have a hope for the revolution you talk about.