Friday, April 11, 2008

Snake Soup

I brought my daughter with me to Hong Kong this trip, and we dropped by Apliu Street to pick up used his and hers localized cell phones. We went into a 7-11 to get local minutes sim cards, and then had the vendor, a father daughter team themselves, set them up for us.

Strolling through the rest of the area to see whats new, or as the case is on this street - what's old, and we walked by a restaurant with a terrarium in the window, with a black cobra sleeping. She remarked it was strange for a restaurant to have live snake in the window, and I told her it was a snake restaurant, that was a restaurant the served snakes.

She doubted me. In we went and snake soup we had. Quite good. The waiter assured me the soup was good for circulation and skin conditions. He was a good man... the restaurant did not serve beer but he agreed to run to the corner to buy me a can at the 7-11 (they are everywhere in Hong Kong).

I must say this is the first time in 30 years I did not get some sort of ailment while in Hong Kong. Perhaps I've learned something new. From now on, first stop, snake restaurant.