Monday, June 16, 2008

Whose Fault Is Oil Price

People are blaming the democrats for failure to exploit USA oil as contributing to the price of oil. This is so wildly off, that I wonder at how IBD has any readers!

First, there is a war, which has cut supplies, which has raised prices.

Of course the democrats support this war, as lie about being against it, as this congressman explains.

George Bush himself is on record as desiring high oil prices. At a low price, the USA oil industry is out of work. At a high price, that army of Texas engineers and bankers and lawyers is busy. As we keep our oil, and the Arabs pump theirs out, what we have underground grows more valuable.

The democrats are responsuble for the high cost of food, with their ethnal projects. Even with oil at a high price, ethanol must be subsidized to work.

This is how the democrats and republicans operate. This is why we must be self-employed, so we may secede in place.