Tuesday, July 22, 2008

How They Steal


I hope you all are reading Mish Shedlock every day, since he is covering exceptionally well the economy around us, and what is going on. Now comes Eric Englund on another technique for stealing money legally, with an assist from Warren Buffett.

The rich are not getting richer because of some flaw in our system. The rich are getting richer because people are stealing money. The amounts are billions, perhaps trillions, and you can quickly see how they are doing it, with Mish Shedlock the narrator in one of those shows that explain how magic tricks are done. There will always be thieves, nothing new there, the problem is those in the commanding heights have withdrawn from the field. The law is focussed on Martha Stewarts and self-medicating Americans, and working immigrants. Labor and academia have checked out. Religion, Wall Street and big biz are all getting theirs, so they have nothing to say. The media is bought and paid for by big biz/govt. Farmers are too busy chasing ethanol subsidies to care. Not to worry, we've got first rate politicians who will save us. Not.

If you object to what is happening, you are for terrorism or global warming. Strange days indeed. When I say the best and last hope through this mess resides with the Central Committee of the Communist Party of The Peoples Republic of China, I am complaining, not praising. Who else is providing adult supervision right now? As one who smuggled bibles into Maoist China in the 1970's, it is disconcerting to find myself saying, "thank God for the Chinese communist party."

We in small business cannot do these things, we have no leverage (that is not to say we would not if we got the chance). Our businesses are so marginal we cannot afford the luxury of anything beyond straight and plain dealing. Individually we matter not, collectively we are the only entity left that still has Jeffersonian ethic coursing through our veins. that is the bad news... the good news is all fields are wide open.