Saturday, August 30, 2008

Did I Say Hillary Will Be The Next President?

I meant Sarah Palin. hahahahaha.... Now if the efforts to disqualify McCain and Obama on the grounds neither were born in USA, as constitutionally required, are successful, then perhaps we could have Hillary vs. Palin. That would be a worth watching contest. My bet still is Hillary is the one elected president come November.

My basis is the powers-that-be that got us into the war in Iraq, and have ruined the economy, also overcame the voters desire to end the war as demonstrated in the last election, have not been checked. They will get their person into the White House. Obama talks as though he would please the warmongers, but he is likely unreliable. McCain is a loose cannon. Hillary is the only safe choice for Hamiltonian USA.

We know election fraud in USA is not about total fraud, just a few percentage points, the minimum necessary to throw and election. Palin on the ticket might very well overwhelm the percentages under control of the election fraudsters. Biden was an unintersting choice as dem VP.

And weirdest of all, Hillary is the one player showing the most class right now. Wow!