Thursday, September 25, 2008

Buffet Picks Up Xenophobic Theme

Warren Buffett has gone over to the dark side, calling the crisis our "economic Pearl Harbor." Really?! Who attacked us? Bankers did not do this to themselves? No, as George Bush said in his speech, it is the foreignors fault for investing too much in American and forcing down the interest rates. Well, one thing is for sure, they will no longer invest here. China has ordered their banks not to lend USA banks any more money.
Slowly but surely, we will blame our problems on foreignors. A slow-motion disaster.


Anonymous said...

Did you miss this irony from the article?

" Buffett said on the cable channel. ``This is sort of an economic Pearl Harbor we're going through.''

Michael Yoshikami, president and chief investment strategist for YCMNet Advisors in Walnut Creek, California ..."