Monday, September 8, 2008

Our Medical Future

Great Britain is the since national health has devastated health care in that country. Hungarian dentists are cleaning up, so to speak.


Anonymous said...

michael moore's great film "sicko" dispells that great britain;s health care is in trouble, just a lie to keep us from getting national health care, please see it!
christina fyve

Anonymous said...

I have lived in a country in Europe with "National Health Care" AKA Socialized Medicine. It was one of the better systems of national health care and yes, it was cheaper but not better by any means. I can say without doubt... I Don't Want It Here! It does not work for the good of the people. The rhetoric supporting it in my opinion is smoke and mirrors. We will all regret it a decade after it is in place.
Not to say that our system is great either. I have worked my entire life in the medical field so I know first hand what the problems are.
My Aunt in Canada just waited Two Years to have a knee replacement! Is this what we want? In our society of ..."I want it now," can you imagine the outrage if people had to wait or were told that they cannot have the surgeon that they want but rather they are assigned to the one who the system chooses.
I am with John...privatization and competition will bring about innovation and, "better, cheaper, faster" In my opinion, it is the insurance companies that are the problem and Medicare... don't even get me started.

Anonymous said...

I have lived in a country in Europe with "National Health Care" AKA Socialized Medicine. It was one of the better systems of national health care and yes, it was cheaper but not better by any means. I can say without doubt... I Don't Want It Here! It does not work for the good of the people. The rhetoric supporting it in my opinion is smoke and mirrors. We will all regret it a decade after it is in place.
Not to say that our system is great either. I have worked my entire life in the medical field so I know first hand what the problems are.
My Aunt in Canada just waited Two Years to have a knee replacement! Is this what we want? In our society of ..."I want it now," can you imagine the outrage if people had to wait or were told that they cannot have the surgeon that they want but rather they are assigned to the one who the system chooses.
I am with John...privatization and competition will bring about innovation and, "better, cheaper, faster" In my opinion, it is the insurance companies that are the problem and Medicare... don't even get me started.