Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Steven Checks In On Trade Dev With Germany

Hi John,

How are you! I took your small biz trade worldwide online class back in winter 2005. Thanks again for all that valuable advice.

I have started my own small international biz development company back in 2006 assisting German small and midsize energy companies with their expansion to western US. I’m currently assisting a German manufacturer with the identification of potential customers in the U.S. I’ve already contacted one importer/distributor who has a nationwide network of independent sales reps who is interested in marketing the products.

Please could you recommend a directory of importers/distributors who specialize in these types of products (solar toys, solar models, solar educational products).

Thank you & best regards,

Steven Weaver


You can google search, but of course that does you little good... and the Germans can do that... do what I recommend to everyone, which is something the Germans cannot do themselves...

1. take samples straight into the stores you think should be selling these items... at least six stores... you are well positioned in the bay area to do this... upscale stores...

2. DO NOT TRY TO MAKE A SALE. Simply walk in with the items in a nice bag and when someone says "May I help you?" you say " A german exporter believes if these items are iported into the united states, you would by them from a usa importer. Is the german right?" And get ready for gasps, hesitation, etc... eventually you'll get to someone who is responsible...

poins to hit...

a. make clear it is new and they would be first

b. make clear they would likely be somewhat exclusive

c. if they ask price, you give them a rough... (say an item is ten euros fob germany, then figure Eur 12.50 landed so eur 25 wholesle in usa) or $37.50 wholesale to seller...

if they show any interest at all, you simply thank them and ask the name of a rep or an importer they would expect to find such a product from...

3. Armed with this info, you can approach the reps and importers about the customers who are ready to buy... then you put the deal together...

This is what I would recommend you do for yourself... since you are repping germans, do this for the germans... something they cannot do for themselves...

and then write up what you did, and present it to the Germans....
