Thursday, October 2, 2008

I Want What Boeing Gets...

I Want What Boeing Gets...

Subsidized interest rates and loans to customers guaranteed by USA taxpayers...

click and read on....

I want what Bank of America gets...

the right to leverage my investments 30 to one, with risk at taxpayers expense.

I want what General Motors gets...

competitors who agree to voluntary restraints, forcing prices higher at consumers expense.

I want what C&H Sugar gets...

competitors have to pay a 50% duty to bring their products in, forcing prices higher at consumers expense.

I want what Microsoft gets...

a consent decree that outlaws how I got rich, after I got rich, so I'll never face a competitor, denying competition at consumers expense.

I want what drug companies get...

a government enforced monopoly, denying competition at consumers expense.

I want what Halliburton gets...

cost plus multi-billion dollar contracts, denying competition at consumers expense.

I want what Archer Daniels Midlands gets...

export subsidies and a requirement the taxpayers pay 3 times the going freight rate for grain exports, at taxpayers expense.

I want what CBS gets...

rules based on a bogus "natural monopoly" theory, denying competition at consumers expense.

I want what rush Limbaugh gets,

government ads that yield me tens of millions in payola each year...

I want what United Airlines gets...

taxpayers pick up the tab for security and the airport infrastructure, at taxpayers expense.

I want what the NY Times gets...

a Supreme Court ruling named after me that allows me the ability to libel with no fear of lawsuit.

I want what REITs get...

Section 8 housing that allows me to artificially inflate rents and protects me from risk at taxpayers expense.

I want what Ted Turner gets...

government paid content for my media, at taxpayers expense.

I want to have a GSE like Freddie Mac so I know I will always be bailed out.

I want to be wildly successful, like Goldman Sachs CEO Hank Paulson, who is "obliged" to sell his 500 million stake in Goldman Sachs to become Treasury Secretary, but since he was obliged to sell, he had to pay no taxes on his $500 million windfall.

Even with these advantages, these companies fail. No, I will not get any of these goodies. Since I am self-employed, I will merely pay for them.



neongoesfaster said...

Isn't it time to get big then John?!!

Anonymous said...

If all of these corporations began life as small businesses, how did they begin to exert so much influence over the governement and the its citizenry. Is this a natural element of capitalism? Or did we ever have capitalism to begin with?

Anonymous said...

Well said...

Anonymous said...

Big government and big business generally don't do well in the long run.